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18 <h1>Tricorder</h1>\r
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20 <div id="sidebar">\r
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22 <div id="stardate">[74]</div>\r
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33 <div id="sideBottom">\r
34 <ul id="navlist">\r
35 <li id="navPos"><a href="#">Position</a></li>\r
36 <li id="navGrav"><a href="#">Gravity</a></li>\r
37 <li id="navAcou"><a href="#">Acoustics</a></li>\r
38 </ul>\r
39 </div>\r
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41 <div id="sideRemark">\r
42 <a href="http://www.startrek.com/">STAR TREK</a> and related items are trademarks of <a href="http://www.paramount.com/">Paramount Pictures</a>.\r
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47 <div id="mainHeader">\r
48 Web Tricorder\r
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54 <div id="mainContent">\r
55 <p>This is the main area for tricorder output.</p>\r
56 </div>\r
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59 </html>