update manifest
[tricorder.git] / js / tricorder.js
... / ...
1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5var gStardate, gSDBase;
6var gSounds = {};
8window.onload = function() {
9 setTimeout(updateStardate, 0);
10 gSounds.scan = new Audio("sound/scan.opus");
11 gSounds.scan.loop = true;
12 gSounds.launch = new Audio("sound/launch.opus");
13 gSounds.shutdown = new Audio("sound/shutdown.opus");
14 gSounds.keyaction = new Audio("sound/key-action.opus");
15 gSounds.keypress = new Audio("sound/key-press.opus");
17 gSounds.launch.play();
18 window.addEventListener("beforeunload", function( event ) {
19 gSounds.shutdown.play();
20 }, false);
23function updateStardate() {
24 if (!gStardate)
25 gStardate = document.getElementById("stardate");
27 var curDate = new Date();
29 if (!gSDBase)
30 gSDBase = new Date("September 8, 1966 20:00:00 EST");
32 var sdateval = (curDate - gSDBase) / (86400 * 365.2425);
33 gStardate.textContent = sdateval.toFixed(1);
35 setTimeout(updateStardate, 5*60*1000);
38function toggleFullscreen() {
39 gSounds.keyaction.play();
40 if ((document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null) ||
41 (document.mozFullScreenElement && document.mozFullScreenElement !== null) ||
42 (document.webkitFullScreenElement && document.webkitFullScreenElement !== null)) {
43 if (document.cancelFullScreen) {
44 document.cancelFullScreen();
45 } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
46 document.mozCancelFullScreen();
47 } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {
48 document.webkitCancelFullScreen();
49 }
50 }
51 else {
52 var elem = document.getElementById("body");
53 if (elem.requestFullScreen) {
54 elem.requestFullScreen();
55 } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {
56 elem.mozRequestFullScreen();
57 } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
58 elem.webkitRequestFullScreen();
59 }
60 }
63function switchModule(modname) {
64 gSounds.keyaction.play();
65 var sections = document.getElementsByTagName('section');
66 for (var i = 0; i <= sections.length - 1; i++) {
67 if (sections[i].classList.contains("active")) {
68 window["gMod" + sections[i].id.replace("sect", "")].deactivate();
69 sections[i].classList.remove("active");
70 }
71 }
72 var navs = document.getElementById('navlist').children;
73 for (var i = 0; i <= navs.length - 1; i++) {
74 navs[i].classList.remove("active");
75 }
77 var navItem = document.getElementById("nav" + modname);
78 navItem.classList.add("active");
79 document.getElementById("sect" + modname).classList.add("active");
80 document.getElementById("mainHeader").textContent =
81 (modname == "Other") ? "Web Tricorder" : navItem.textContent;
83 window["gMod" + modname].activate();
86var gModPos = {
87 activate: function() {
88 if (navigator.geolocation) {
89 gSounds.scan.play();
90 document.getElementById("posunavail").style.display = "none";
91 document.getElementById("posavail").style.display = "block";
92 this.watchID = navigator.geolocation.watchPosition(
93 function(position) {
94 document.getElementById("posLat").textContent =
95 position.coords.latitude + "°";
96 document.getElementById("posLong").textContent =
97 position.coords.longitude + "°";
98 document.getElementById("posAlt").textContent =
99 position.coords.altitude.toFixed(0) + " m";
100 document.getElementById("posAcc").textContent =
101 position.coords.accuracy.toFixed(0) + " m";
102 document.getElementById("posAltAcc").textContent =
103 position.coords.altitudeAccuracy.toFixed(0) + " m";
104 document.getElementById("posHead").textContent =
105 position.coords.heading ? position.coords.heading.toFixed(0) + "°" : "---";
106 document.getElementById("posSpd").textContent =
107 position.coords.speed ? position.coords.speed.toFixed(1) + " m/s" : "---";
108 var locTime = new Date(position.timestamp);
109 document.getElementById("posTime").textContent = locTime.toISOString();
110 },
111 function(error) {
112 // See https://developer.mozilla.org/en/Using_geolocation#Handling_errors
113 if (error.message) {
114 document.getElementById("posLat").textContent = error.message;
115 document.getElementById("posLong").textContent = "...";
116 document.getElementById("posAlt").textContent = "...";
117 document.getElementById("posAcc").textContent = "...";
118 document.getElementById("posAltAcc").textContent = "...";
119 document.getElementById("posHead").textContent = "...";
120 document.getElementById("posSpd").textContent = "...";
121 document.getElementById("posTime").textContent = "...";
122 setTimeout(function() { gModPos.deactivate(); }, 5000);
123 }
124 else {
125 document.getElementById("posunavail").style.display = "block";
126 document.getElementById("posavail").style.display = "none";
127 }
128 gSounds.scan.pause();
129 },
130 {enableHighAccuracy: true, maximumAge: 10000, timeout: 60000}
131 );
132 }
133 else {
134 document.getElementById("posunavail").style.display = "block";
135 document.getElementById("posavail").style.display = "none";
136 }
137 },
138 deactivate: function() {
139 gSounds.scan.pause();
140 if (this.watchID) {
141 navigator.geolocation.clearWatch(this.watchID);
142 }
143 document.getElementById("posunavail").style.display = "block";
144 document.getElementById("posavail").style.display = "none";
145 document.getElementById("posLat").textContent = "...";
146 document.getElementById("posLong").textContent = "...";
147 document.getElementById("posAlt").textContent = "...";
148 document.getElementById("posAcc").textContent = "...";
149 document.getElementById("posAltAcc").textContent = "...";
150 document.getElementById("posHead").textContent = "...";
151 document.getElementById("posSpd").textContent = "...";
152 document.getElementById("posTime").textContent = "...";
153 },
154 watchID: null,
157var gModGrav = {
158 activate: function() {
159 gSounds.scan.play();
160 document.getElementById("gravunavail").style.display = "none";
161 document.getElementById("gravavail").style.display = "block";
162 window.addEventListener("deviceorientation", this.orientEvent, true);
163 window.addEventListener("devicemotion", this.motionEvent, true);
164 setTimeout(function() {
165 if ((document.getElementById("gravAlpha").textContent == "...") &&
166 (document.getElementById("gravX").textContent == "...")) {
167 gModGrav.deactivate();
168 }
169 }, 3000);
170 },
171 deactivate: function() {
172 gSounds.scan.pause();
173 window.removeEventListener("deviceorientation", this.orientEvent, true);
174 window.removeEventListener("devicemotion", this.motionEvent, true);
175 document.getElementById("gravunavail").style.display = "block";
176 document.getElementById("gravavail").style.display = "none";
177 //document.getElementById("gravAbs").textContent = "...";
178 document.getElementById("gravAlpha").textContent = "...";
179 document.getElementById("gravBeta").textContent = "...";
180 document.getElementById("gravGamma").textContent = "...";
181 document.getElementById("gravTotal").textContent = "...";
182 document.getElementById("gravX").textContent = "...";
183 document.getElementById("gravY").textContent = "...";
184 document.getElementById("gravZ").textContent = "...";
185 //document.getElementById("gravRot").textContent = "...";
186 },
187 orientEvent: function(orientData) {
188 //document.getElementById("gravAbs").textContent = orientData.absolute;
189 document.getElementById("gravAlpha").textContent = orientData.alpha.toFixed(1) + "°";
190 document.getElementById("gravBeta").textContent = orientData.beta.toFixed(1) + "°";
191 document.getElementById("gravGamma").textContent = orientData.gamma.toFixed(1) + "°";
192 },
193 motionEvent: function(event) {
194 var gravTotal =
195 Math.sqrt(Math.pow(event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x, 2) +
196 Math.pow(event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y, 2) +
197 Math.pow(event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z, 2));
198 document.getElementById("gravTotal").textContent = gravTotal.toFixed(2) + " m/s²";
199 document.getElementById("gravX").textContent = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.x.toFixed(2) + " m/s²";
200 document.getElementById("gravY").textContent = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.y.toFixed(2) + " m/s²";
201 document.getElementById("gravZ").textContent = event.accelerationIncludingGravity.z.toFixed(2) + " m/s²";
202 //document.getElementById("gravRot").textContent = event.rotationRate;
203 },
206var gModOther = {
207 activate: function() {
208 //gSounds.scan.play();
209 },
210 deactivate: function() {
211 gSounds.scan.pause();
212 },
215var gModNull = {
216 activate: function() {
217 //gSounds.scan.play();
218 },
219 deactivate: function() {
220 gSounds.scan.pause();
221 },