bump appcache
[lantea.git] / js / ui.js
... / ...
1/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
2 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
3 * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
5// Get the best-available indexedDB object.
6window.indexedDB = window.indexedDB || window.webkitIndexedDB || window.mozIndexedDB || window.msIndexedDB;
7var mainDB;
9var gUIHideCountdown = 0;
10var gWaitCounter = 0;
12window.onload = function() {
13 var mSel = document.getElementById("mapSelector");
14 for (var mapStyle in gMapStyles) {
15 var opt = document.createElement("option");
16 opt.value = mapStyle;
17 opt.text = gMapStyles[mapStyle].name;
18 mSel.add(opt, null);
19 }
21 var areas = document.getElementsByClassName('overlayArea');
22 for (var i = 0; i <= areas.length - 1; i++) {
23 areas[i].addEventListener("mouseup", uiEvHandler, false);
24 areas[i].addEventListener("mousemove", uiEvHandler, false);
25 areas[i].addEventListener("mousedown", uiEvHandler, false);
26 areas[i].addEventListener("mouseout", uiEvHandler, false);
28 areas[i].addEventListener("touchstart", uiEvHandler, false);
29 areas[i].addEventListener("touchmove", uiEvHandler, false);
30 areas[i].addEventListener("touchend", uiEvHandler, false);
31 areas[i].addEventListener("touchcancel", uiEvHandler, false);
32 areas[i].addEventListener("touchleave", uiEvHandler, false);
33 }
35 if (navigator.platform.length == "") {
36 // For Firefox OS, don't display the "save" button.
37 // Do this by setting the debugHide class for testing in debug mode.
38 document.getElementById("saveTrackButton").classList.add("debugHide");
39 }
41 initDB();
42 initMap();
44 var loopCnt = 0;
45 var waitForInitAndDraw = function() {
46 if ((gWaitCounter <= 0) || (loopCnt > 100)) {
47 if (gWaitCounter <= 0)
48 gWaitCounter = 0;
49 else
50 console.log("Loading failed (waiting for init).");
52 gMapPrefsLoaded = true;
53 resizeAndDraw();
54 setTracking(document.getElementById("trackCheckbox"));
55 }
56 else
57 setTimeout(waitForInitAndDraw, 100);
58 loopCnt++;
59 };
60 waitForInitAndDraw();
63window.onresize = function() {
64 resizeAndDraw();
67function initDB() {
68 // Open DB.
69 var request = window.indexedDB.open("MainDB", 2);
70 request.onerror = function(event) {
71 // Errors can be handled here. Error codes explain in:
72 // https://developer.mozilla.org/en/IndexedDB/IDBDatabaseException#Constants
73 if (gDebug)
74 console.log("error opening mainDB: " + event.target.errorCode);
75 };
76 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
77 mainDB = request.result;
78 };
79 request.onupgradeneeded = function(event) {
80 mainDB = request.result;
81 var ver = mainDB.version || 0; // version is empty string for a new DB
82 if (gDebug)
83 console.log("mainDB has version " + ver + ", upgrade needed.");
84 if (!mainDB.objectStoreNames.contains("prefs")) {
85 // Create a "prefs" objectStore.
86 var prefsStore = mainDB.createObjectStore("prefs");
87 }
88 if (!mainDB.objectStoreNames.contains("track")) {
89 // Create a "track" objectStore.
90 var trackStore = mainDB.createObjectStore("track", {autoIncrement: true});
91 }
92 if (!mainDB.objectStoreNames.contains("tilecache")) {
93 // Create a "tilecache" objectStore.
94 var tilecacheStore = mainDB.createObjectStore("tilecache");
95 }
96 mainDB.onversionchange = function(event) {
97 mainDB.close();
98 mainDB = undefined;
99 initDB();
100 };
101 };
104function showUI() {
105 if (gUIHideCountdown <= 0) {
106 var areas = document.getElementsByClassName('overlayArea');
107 for (var i = 0; i <= areas.length - 1; i++) {
108 areas[i].classList.remove("hidden");
109 }
110 setTimeout(maybeHideUI, 1000);
111 }
112 gUIHideCountdown = 5;
115function maybeHideUI() {
116 gUIHideCountdown--;
117 if (gUIHideCountdown <= 0) {
118 var areas = document.getElementsByClassName('overlayArea');
119 for (var i = 0; i <= areas.length - 1; i++) {
120 areas[i].classList.add("hidden");
121 }
122 }
123 else {
124 setTimeout(maybeHideUI, 1000);
125 }
128function toggleTrackArea() {
129 var fs = document.getElementById("trackArea");
130 if (fs.style.display != "block") {
131 fs.style.display = "block";
132 showUI();
133 }
134 else {
135 fs.style.display = "none";
136 }
139function toggleSettings() {
140 var fs = document.getElementById("settingsArea");
141 if (fs.style.display != "block") {
142 fs.style.display = "block";
143 showUI();
144 }
145 else {
146 fs.style.display = "none";
147 }
150function toggleFullscreen() {
151 if ((document.fullScreenElement && document.fullScreenElement !== null) ||
152 (document.mozFullScreenElement && document.mozFullScreenElement !== null) ||
153 (document.webkitFullScreenElement && document.webkitFullScreenElement !== null)) {
154 if (document.cancelFullScreen) {
155 document.cancelFullScreen();
156 } else if (document.mozCancelFullScreen) {
157 document.mozCancelFullScreen();
158 } else if (document.webkitCancelFullScreen) {
159 document.webkitCancelFullScreen();
160 }
161 }
162 else {
163 var elem = document.getElementById("body");
164 if (elem.requestFullScreen) {
165 elem.requestFullScreen();
166 } else if (elem.mozRequestFullScreen) {
167 elem.mozRequestFullScreen();
168 } else if (elem.webkitRequestFullScreen) {
169 elem.webkitRequestFullScreen();
170 }
171 }
174var uiEvHandler = {
175 handleEvent: function(aEvent) {
176 var touchEvent = aEvent.type.indexOf('touch') != -1;
178 switch (aEvent.type) {
179 case "mousedown":
180 case "touchstart":
181 case "mousemove":
182 case "touchmove":
183 case "mouseup":
184 case "touchend":
185 showUI();
186 break;
187 }
188 }
191function makeISOString(aTimestamp) {
192 // ISO time format is YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ssZ
193 var tsDate = new Date(aTimestamp);
194 return tsDate.getUTCFullYear() + "-" +
195 (tsDate.getUTCMonth() < 10 ? "0" : "") + tsDate.getUTCMonth() + "-" +
196 (tsDate.getUTCDate() < 10 ? "0" : "") + tsDate.getUTCDate() + "T" +
197 (tsDate.getUTCHours() < 10 ? "0" : "") + tsDate.getUTCHours() + ":" +
198 (tsDate.getUTCMinutes() < 10 ? "0" : "") + tsDate.getUTCMinutes() + ":" +
199 (tsDate.getUTCSeconds() < 10 ? "0" : "") + tsDate.getUTCSeconds() + "Z";
202function saveTrack() {
203 if (gTrack.length) {
204 var out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>' + "\n\n";
205 out += '<gpx version="1.0" creator="Lantea" xmlns="http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/0">' + "\n";
206 out += ' <trk>' + "\n";
207 out += ' <trkseg>' + "\n";
208 for (var i = 0; i < gTrack.length; i++) {
209 if (gTrack[i].beginSegment && i > 0) {
210 out += ' </trkseg>' + "\n";
211 out += ' <trkseg>' + "\n";
212 }
213 out += ' <trkpt lat="' + gTrack[i].coords.latitude + '" lon="' +
214 gTrack[i].coords.longitude + '">' + "\n";
215 if (gTrack[i].coords.altitude) {
216 out += ' <ele>' + gTrack[i].coords.altitude + '</ele>' + "\n";
217 }
218 out += ' <time>' + makeISOString(gTrack[i].time) + '</time>' + "\n";
219 out += ' </trkpt>' + "\n";
220 }
221 out += ' </trkseg>' + "\n";
222 out += ' </trk>' + "\n";
223 out += '</gpx>' + "\n";
224 var outDataURI = "data:application/gpx+xml," + encodeURIComponent(out);
225 window.open(outDataURI, 'GPX Track');
226 }
229function saveTrackDump() {
230 if (gTrack.length) {
231 var out = JSON.stringify(gTrack);
232 var outDataURI = "data:application/json," + encodeURIComponent(out);
233 window.open(outDataURI, 'JSON dump');
234 }
237var gPrefs = {
238 objStore: "prefs",
240 get: function(aKey, aCallback) {
241 if (!mainDB)
242 return;
243 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore]);
244 var request = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore).get(aKey);
245 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
246 aCallback(request.result, event);
247 };
248 request.onerror = function(event) {
249 // Errors can be handled here.
250 aCallback(undefined, event);
251 };
252 },
254 set: function(aKey, aValue, aCallback) {
255 if (!mainDB)
256 return;
257 var success = false;
258 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore], "readwrite");
259 var objStore = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore);
260 var request = objStore.put(aValue, aKey);
261 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
262 success = true;
263 if (aCallback)
264 aCallback(success, event);
265 };
266 request.onerror = function(event) {
267 // Errors can be handled here.
268 if (aCallback)
269 aCallback(success, event);
270 };
271 },
273 unset: function(aKey, aCallback) {
274 if (!mainDB)
275 return;
276 var success = false;
277 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore], "readwrite");
278 var request = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore).delete(aKey);
279 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
280 success = true;
281 if (aCallback)
282 aCallback(success, event);
283 };
284 request.onerror = function(event) {
285 // Errors can be handled here.
286 if (aCallback)
287 aCallback(success, event);
288 }
289 }
292var gTrackStore = {
293 objStore: "track",
295 getList: function(aCallback) {
296 if (!mainDB)
297 return;
298 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore]);
299 var objStore = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore);
300 if (objStore.getAll) { // currently Mozilla-specific
301 objStore.getAll().onsuccess = function(event) {
302 aCallback(event.target.result);
303 };
304 }
305 else { // Use cursor (standard method).
306 var tPoints = [];
307 objStore.openCursor().onsuccess = function(event) {
308 var cursor = event.target.result;
309 if (cursor) {
310 tPoints.push(cursor.value);
311 cursor.continue();
312 }
313 else {
314 aCallback(tPoints);
315 }
316 };
317 }
318 },
320 push: function(aValue, aCallback) {
321 if (!mainDB)
322 return;
323 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore], "readwrite");
324 var objStore = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore);
325 var request = objStore.add(aValue);
326 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
327 if (aCallback)
328 aCallback(request.result, event);
329 };
330 request.onerror = function(event) {
331 // Errors can be handled here.
332 if (aCallback)
333 aCallback(false, event);
334 };
335 },
337 clear: function(aCallback) {
338 if (!mainDB)
339 return;
340 var success = false;
341 var transaction = mainDB.transaction([this.objStore], "readwrite");
342 var request = transaction.objectStore(this.objStore).clear();
343 request.onsuccess = function(event) {
344 success = true;
345 if (aCallback)
346 aCallback(success, event);
347 };
348 request.onerror = function(event) {
349 // Errors can be handled here.
350 if (aCallback)
351 aCallback(success, event);
352 }
353 }