3 <title>Mozilla Dev Meeting Europe 2002</title>
7 <h1>Outliner of Chrome - L10n/Themes talk</h1>
8 <h2>by Robert Kaiser <KaiRo@KaiRo.at></h2>
10 <outliner id="<b>chrome_l10n_themes_talk</b>" flex="until 18:00">
11 <br> <outlinercols>
12 <br> <outlinercol id="WhatChrome" label="<b>What is this chrome stuff anyway?</b>">
13 <br> <outlinercol id="MozChrome" label="<b>What is chrome in Mozilla?</b>">
14 <br> <outlinercol id="ChromeURLs" label="<b>How can content find its locale and skin files?</b>">
15 <br> <outlinercol id="ChromeRegistry" label="<b>How does Mozilla know what/where chrome is installed?</b>">
16 <br> <outlinercol id="contents.rdf" label="<b>How can chrome packs give their info to chrome registry?</b>">
17 <br> </outlinercols>
18 <br> <outlinerchildren id="<b>discussion</b>"/>