port bug 1155776, bug 1155816, bug 870370 (moves from Makefile.in to moz.build)
[mandelbrot.git] / mandelbrot.xul
... / ...
1<?xml version="1.0"?>
3<!-- ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
4 - Version: MPL 1.1/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
5 -
6 - The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
7 - 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
8 - the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
9 - http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
10 -
11 - Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
12 - WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
13 - for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
14 - License.
15 -
16 - The Original Code is KaiRo.at Mandelbrot, XULRunner version.
17 -
18 - The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
19 - Robert Kaiser <kairo@kairo.at>.
20 - Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2008-2011
21 - the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
22 -
23 - Contributor(s):
24 - Robert Kaiser <kairo@kairo.at>
25 -
26 - Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
27 - either the GNU General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL"), or
28 - the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 or later (the "LGPL"),
29 - in which case the provisions of the GPL or the LGPL are applicable instead
30 - of those above. If you wish to allow use of your version of this file only
31 - under the terms of either the GPL or the LGPL, and not to allow others to
32 - use your version of this file under the terms of the MPL, indicate your
33 - decision by deleting the provisions above and replace them with the notice
34 - and other provisions required by the LGPL or the GPL. If you do not delete
35 - the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of this file under
36 - the terms of any one of the MPL, the GPL or the LGPL.
37 -
38 - ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** -->
40<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://global/skin/" type="text/css"?>
41<?xml-stylesheet href="chrome://mandelbrot/skin/" type="text/css"?>
43<!DOCTYPE page [
44 <!ENTITY % mandelbrotDTD SYSTEM "chrome://mandelbrot/locale/mandelbrot.dtd">
45 %mandelbrotDTD;
48<page xmlns="http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"
49 xmlns:html="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
50 id="mandelbrot-page" title="&windowTitle;"
51 disablefastfind="true"
52 onload="Startup();">
54 <html:link rel="shortcut icon"
55 href="chrome://mandelbrot/skin/mandelbrotIcon16.png"/>
57 <script type="application/x-javascript"
58 src="chrome://mandelbrot/content/mandelbrot.js"/>
60 <stringbundleset id="stringbundleset">
61 <stringbundle id="mbrotBundle" src="chrome://mandelbrot/locale/mandelbrot.properties"/>
62 </stringbundleset>
64 <commandset id="mainCommands">
65 </commandset>
67 <toolbox>
68 <toolbar class="chromeclass-toolbar"
69 id="mandelbrotToolbar"
70 align="center">
71 <toolbarbutton id="fileDraw" label="&toolbarDraw.label;" oncommand="drawImage();"/>
72 <toolbarbutton id="fileSave" label="&toolbarSave.label;" oncommand="saveImage();"/>
73 <toolbarbutton id="bookmarkMenu"
74 type="menu"
75 class="tabbable"
76 label="&bookmarkMenu.label;">
77 <menupopup id="menu_bookmarkPopup"
78 onpopupshowing="updateBookmarkMenu(event.target);"
79 oncommand="callBookmark(event.target);">
80 <menuitem id="bookmarkOverview" label="&bookmarkOverview.label;"/>
81 <menuitem id="bookmarkSave" label="&bookmarkSave.label;" oncommand="saveBookmark();"/>
82 <menuseparator id="bookmarkSeparator"/>
83 </menupopup>
84 </toolbarbutton>
85 <toolbarbutton id="imgSettings" label="&imgSettings.label;" oncommand="imgSettings();"/>
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88 <panel id="imgSettingsPanel"
89 onpopupshowing="initImgSettings();"
90 onpopuphiding="saveImgSettings();">
91 <!-- |titlebar="normal" noautohide="true" close="true" label="&imageSettings.title;"|
92 doesn't seem to work on the panel, so work around with a <titlebar> instead -->
93 <titlebar><label value="&imageSettings.title;"/></titlebar>
94 <groupbox>
95 <caption label="&coord.title;"/>
96 <description value="&coord.real.label;" class="coord-caption"/>
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100 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Cr', 'scale');"/>
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102 <textbox id="is_Cr_max" size="10"
103 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Cr', 'scale');"/>
104 <label value="&coord.scale.label;" control="is_Cr_scale"/>
105 <textbox id="is_Cr_scale" size="10"
106 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Cr', 'max');"/>
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108 <separator class="thin"/>
109 <description value="&coord.imag.label;" class="coord-caption"/>
110 <hbox align="center">
111 <label value="&coord.min.label;" control="is_Ci_min"/>
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113 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Ci', 'scale');"/>
114 <label value="&coord.max.label;" control="is_Ci_max"/>
115 <textbox id="is_Ci_max" size="10"
116 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Ci', 'scale');"/>
117 <label value="&coord.scale.label;" control="is_Ci_scale"/>
118 <textbox id="is_Ci_scale" size="10"
119 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'coord'); recalcCoord('Ci', 'max');"/>
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123 <hbox flex="1">
124 <groupbox>
125 <caption label="&img.size.title;"/>
126 <hbox align="center">
127 <label value="&img.width.label;" control="is_img_width"/>
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129 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'dim'); recalcCoord('Ci', 'scale');"/>
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131 <hbox align="center">
132 <label value="&img.height.label;" control="is_img_height"/>
133 <textbox id="is_img_height" size="4"
134 onchange="checkISValue(this, 'dim'); recalcCoord('Cr', 'scale');"/>
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136 </groupbox>
138 <groupbox>
139 <caption label="&preview.title;"/>
140 <hbox flex="1" pack="center" align="center">
141 <html:canvas id="is_mbrotPreview" width="50" height="50"></html:canvas>
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143 <button id="is_previewButton" label="&previewDraw.label;" oncommand="drawPreview();"/>
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146 <groupbox>
147 <caption label="&options.title;"/>
148 <hbox>
149 <vbox>
150 <label value="&colorList.label;" control="colorList"/>
151 <menulist id="colorList">
152 <menupopup oncommand="setPalette(event.target.value);">
153 <menuitem value="bw" label="&colorBW.label;"/>
154 <menuitem value="kairo" label="&colorKairo.label;"/>
155 <menuitem value="rainbow-linear1" label="&colorRBLin1.label;"/>
156 <menuitem value="rainbow-squared1" label="&colorRBSq1.label;"/>
157 <menuitem value="rainbow-linear2" label="&colorRBLin2.label;"/>
158 <menuitem value="rainbow-squared2" label="&colorRBSq2.label;"/>
159 </menupopup>
160 </menulist>
161 <label value="&algoList.label;" control="algoList"/>
162 <menulist id="algoList">
163 <menupopup oncommand="setAlgorithm(event.target.value);">
164 <menuitem value="numeric" label="&algoNumeric.label;"/>
165 <menuitem value="oo" label="&algoOO.label;"/>
166 </menupopup>
167 </menulist>
168 </vbox>
169 <vbox>
170 <label value="&iterList.label;" control="iterList"/>
171 <menulist id="iterList">
172 <menupopup oncommand="setIter(event.target.value);">
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174 <menuitem value="100" label="&iter100.label;"/>
175 <menuitem value="500" label="&iter500.label;"/>
176 <menuitem value="1000" label="&iter1000.label;"/>
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180 <checkbox id="is_syncProp"
181 label="&syncProp.label;"
182 onclick="checkProportions();"/>
183 </hbox>
184 </vbox>
185 </hbox>
186 </groupbox>
187 </hbox>
188 <hbox>
189 <button id="is_closeButton" label="&closeSettings.label;" oncommand="closeImgSettings();"/>
190 <spacer flex="1"/>
191 <button id="is_drawButton" label="&drawImageButton.label;" oncommand="closeImgSettings(); drawImage();"/>
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194 <hbox flex="1" pack="center" align="center">
195 <stack>
196 <html:canvas id="mbrotImage" width="300" height="300">
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198 <button id="drawButton" label="&buttonDraw.label;" oncommand="drawImage();"/>
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200 </hbox>
201 <hbox pack="end" align="end">
202 <description id="statusLabel"/>
203 </hbox>