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18 | <h1>using the string bundle service</h1> |
19 | |
20 | <div class="explanation"> |
21 | The second way to access string bundles is to call the <b>string bundle service</b> directly from JavaScript |
22 | (the string bundle doesn't have to be refrenced in the XUL file, and stays outside the DOM tree): |
23 | </div> |
24 | |
25 | <div class="sample"> |
26 | <p class="sampledesc">Sample XUL: openLocation.xul, calling some JS code</p> |
27 | <div class="samplecontent"> |
28 | <?xml version="1.0"?> |
29 | <br><!DOCTYPE dialog SYSTEM "chrome://communicator/locale/openLocation.dtd"> |
30 | <br><dialog id="openLocation" ... title="&caption.label;" onLoad="onLoad();"> |
31 | <br><script type="application/x-javascript" src="chrome://communicator/content/openLocation.js"/> |
32 | <br>... |
33 | <br> <menuitem value="0" id="currentWindow" label="&topWindow.label;"/> |
34 | <br>... |
35 | <br></dialog> |
36 | </div> |
37 | </div> |
38 | |
39 | <div class="sample"> |
40 | <p class="sampledesc">Sample JavaScript: openLocation.js</p> |
41 | <div class="samplecontent"> |
42 | ... |
43 | <br>function onLoad() |
44 | <br>{ |
45 | <br> dialog.main = document.getElementById("openLocation"); |
46 | <br> dialog.openTopWindow = document.getElementById("currentWindow"); |
47 | <br> var <b>strBundleService</b> = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/intl/stringbundle;1"]<b>.getService</b>(Components.interfaces.nsIStringBundleService); |
48 | <br> var brandbundle = strBundleService<b>.createBundle</b>("chrome://global/locale/brand.properties"); |
49 | <br> var dialogbundle = strBundleService<b>.createBundle</b>("chrome://communicator/locale/openLocation.properties"); |
50 | <br> if (!browser) { |
51 | <br> // No browser supplied - we are calling from Composer |
52 | <br> // Change string to make more sense for Composer |
53 | <br> dialog.openTopWindow.setAttribute("label", <b>dialogbundle.GetStringFromName</b>("<span class="hilite">existingNavigatorWindow</span>")); |
54 | <br> // change title to 'Open Location with Mozilla' |
55 | <br> var brandShortName = brandbundle.GetStringFromName("<span class="hilite">brandShortName</span>"); |
56 | <br> dialog.open.setAttribute("title", <b>dialogbundle.getFormattedString</b>("<span class="hilite">caption2.label</span>", brandShortName)); |
57 | <br> } |
58 | <br>} |
59 | </div> |
60 | </div> |
61 | |
62 | <div class="sample"> |
63 | <p class="sampledesc">Sample string bundle: openLocation.properties</p> |
64 | <div class="samplecontent"> |
65 | <span class="hilite">existingNavigatorWindow</span>=Existing Navigator window |
66 | <br><span class="hilite">caption2.label</span>=Open Location with %S |
67 | </div> |
68 | </div> |
69 | |
70 | <div class="sample"> |
71 | <p class="sampledesc">Sample string bundle: brand.properties</p> |
72 | <div class="samplecontent"> |
73 | <span class="hilite">brandShortName</span>=Mozilla |
74 | </div> |
75 | </div> |
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