@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"); .controlBar { height: 28px; background-color: rgba(156,156,255,0.75); } .playButton, .muteButton { /* Remove the usual button appearance and styling */ margin: 0px; padding: 0px; border: none; min-height: 28px; background-color: transparent; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center center; } .playButton { min-width: 28px; } .muteButton { min-width: 33px; } .playButton:hover, .muteButton:hover { background-color: rgba(255,207,0,0.75); } .playButton:focus > .button-box, .muteButton:focus > .button-box { border: 1px dotted rgba(0,0,0,0.75); } .playButton { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/pauseButton.png"); } .playButton:hover { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/pauseButton-hover.png"); } .playButton[paused="true"] { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/playButton.png"); } .playButton[paused="true"]:hover { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/playButton-hover.png"); } .muteButton { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/muteButton.png"); } .muteButton:hover { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/muteButton-hover.png"); } .muteButton[muted="true"] { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/unmuteButton.png"); } .muteButton[muted="true"]:hover { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/unmuteButton-hover.png"); } .backgroundBar { /* make bar 8px tall (control height = 28, minus 2 * 10 margin) */ margin: 10px 2px; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.75); -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px; } .bufferBar, .progressBar { /* make bar 8px tall (control height = 28, minus 2 * 10 margin) */ margin: 10px 2px; border: none; background-color: transparent; min-width: 0px; min-height: 0px; } /* .progress-bar is an element inside the implementation. */ .bufferBar .progress-bar { /* * Note that this is drawn on top of the .backgroundBar. So although this * has the same background-color specified, the semitransparent * compositing gives it a different visual appearance. */ background-color: rgba(255,159,0,0.75); -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px; -moz-appearance: none; } .progressBar .progress-bar { background-color: #008484; -moz-border-radius: 3px 3px; -moz-appearance: none; } /* .scale-slider is an element inside the implementation. */ .scale-slider { /* Hide the default horizontal bar. */ background: none; margin: 0 2px; } /* .scale-thumb is an element inside the implementation. */ .scale-thumb { /* Override the default thumb appearance with a custom image. */ background: url("chrome://global/skin/media/scrubberThumb.png") no-repeat center; border: none !important; min-width: 11px; min-height: 20px; } .scale-thumb:hover, .scale-thumb:active { background-image: url("chrome://global/skin/media/scrubberThumb-hover.png"); }