/* vim:set ts=2 sw=2 sts=2 et: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ window { padding: 0; } /* === BEGIN netmonitor.inc.css === */ #requests-menu-empty-notice { margin: 0; padding: 12px; font-size: 120%; color: #FF9F00; } #requests-menu-perf-notice-button { min-width: 30px; min-height: 28px; margin: 0; list-style-image: url("profiler-stopwatch.svg"); } #requests-menu-perf-notice-button .button-text { display: none; } /* Network requests table */ #requests-menu-toolbar { } #requests-menu-toolbar > .toolbar-box > .toolbar-startcap, #requests-menu-toolbar > .toolbar-box > .toolbar-endcap { display: none; } .requests-menu-header:first-child { -moz-padding-start: 4px; -moz-margin-start: 4px; } .requests-menu-subitem { padding: 4px; } .requests-menu-header:not(:last-child), .requests-menu-subitem:not(:last-child) { -moz-border-end: 1px solid #9C9CFF; } .requests-menu-header:not(:last-child):-moz-locale-dir(rtl), .requests-menu-subitem:not(:last-child):-moz-locale-dir(rtl) { } .requests-menu-header-button, #requests-menu-status-button { background-color: transparent; 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/* blue grey */ } .requests-menu-timings-box.receive { background-color: #A09090; /* green */ } /* SideMenuWidget */ .side-menu-widget-item-contents { padding: 0px; } .side-menu-widget-container { box-shadow: none !important; } .side-menu-widget-item:not(.selected)[odd] { background: rgba(255,159,0,0.1); } /* Network request details */ #details-pane-toggle { list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/devtools/debugger-collapse.png"); -moz-image-region: rect(0px,16px,16px,0px); } #details-pane-toggle[pane-collapsed] { list-style-image: url("chrome://browser/skin/devtools/debugger-expand.png"); } #details-pane-toggle:hover, #details-pane-toggle:hover:active { -moz-image-region: rect(0px,32px,16px,16px); } /* Network request details tabpanels */ .tabpanel-content { background-color: #000000; color: #FF9F00; } /* Summary tabpanel */ .tabpanel-summary-container { padding: 1px; } .tabpanel-summary-label { -moz-padding-start: 4px; -moz-padding-end: 3px; font-weight: 600; } .tabpanel-summary-value { -moz-padding-start: 3px; 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} .requests-menu-type { width: 8vw; } .requests-menu-size { width: 16vw; border-width: 0 !important; box-shadow: none !important; /* The "Timeline" header is not visible anymore, and thus the right border and box-shadow of "Size" column should be hidden. */ } } /* === END netmonitor.inc.css === */