/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ @import url("chrome://communicator/skin/"); window { width: 640px; height: 480px; } #menu-view-none { display: none; } #header-url:hover { text-decoration: underline; } #outer-box { margin: 5px; } .toolbarbutton-menu-dropmarker { margin-left: 0.5em; } #input-widget, #input-widget-multiline { border: 1px inset #CCD0DD; } #button-multiline-expand { list-style-image:url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/multiline-expand.png"); } #button-multiline-contract { list-style-image:url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/multiline-contract.png"); } #button-input { list-style-image:url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/input-send.png"); } .highlight-menu-item:hover { color: #000000 !important; background: #336699 !important; } #user-list { margin: 0; } #view-tabs { overflow: hidden; } #views-tbar-spacer { -moz-box-flex: 10000; } #tabs-drop-indicator-bar { position: relative; margin-top: -3px; -moz-margin-start: -5px; height: 3px; } #tabs-drop-indicator { position: relative; margin-bottom: -8px; width: 11px; height: 11px; background: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/drop-indicator-bottom.png") 50% 50% no-repeat; } .view-button { /* Box model is 5px 5px 5px 6px in aggregate. Extra pixel on the left is for the separator. */ -moz-appearance: none; margin: 5px 0; border: none; /* border-left: 1px solid ButtonShadow;*/ padding: 0 5px; /* background: Button; color: ButtonText; font: message-box; */ text-shadow: none; text-align: center; max-width: 30ex; -moz-box-flex: 1; -moz-box-orient: vertical; -moz-box-align: stretch; } .view-button:first-child { border-left-color: transparent; } .view-button::before { content: " "; display: -moz-box; margin: -5px -5px 0 -5px; height: 4px; } .view-button[state="superfluous"]::before { background-color: #666699; } .view-button[state="activity"]::before { background-color: #336699; } .view-button[state="attention"]::before { background-color: red; } .view-button:hover, .view-button[state="current"] { margin: 0 0 0 1px; border-left: none; border-radius: 0 0 6px 6px; padding: 5px; /* background: Window; color: WindowText; */ } .view-button[state="current"] + .view-button, .view-button:hover + .view-button:not([state="current"]) { border-left-color: transparent; } .view-button[state="current"] { position: relative; /* So it visually appears above the tabs either side. */ /* border: 2px solid ButtonShadow;*/ border-top: none; padding: 5px 3px 3px 3px; } treecol { border: none; } /* we need to define both the : and :: versions of the treechildren selector * so that we work on both 1.5 and pre 1.5 builds. * * The userlist can be in one of two state. In "symbol", the user's * channel mode is shown as a @ or + image, while in "graphic" mode, the * image is one of the LED images. */ /* no mode */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/no-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/no-graphic.png"); } /* voice */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(voice-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/voice-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image(voice-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/voice-graphic.png"); } /* half-chanop */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(halfop-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/halfop-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image(halfop-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/halfop-graphic.png"); } /* chanop */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(op-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/op-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image(op-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/op-graphic.png"); } /* admin */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(admin-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/admin-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image(admin-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/admin-graphic.png"); } /* founder */ treechildren::-moz-tree-image(founder-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/founder-symbol.png"); } #user-list[mode="graphic"] treechildren::-moz-tree-image(founder-true) { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/founder-graphic.png"); } /* away */ treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(away-true) { color: #808080; font-style: italic; } treechildren::-moz-tree-cell-text(away-false) { } menuitem[header="true"] { text-align: center; } .colorGrid { width: 24px; height: 16px; border: 1px solid #000000; -moz-box-align: center; -moz-box-pack: center; } #colorTooltip { padding: 0px; -moz-box-align: center; -moz-box-pack: center; } /* Feel the hacks. */ progressmeter[mode="undetermined"] { -moz-appearance: none; } [dir="ltr"] { direction: ltr; } [dir="rtl"] { direction: rtl; } #input-splitter { margin: 4px 0 0 0; } #input-widgets { margin: 4px 0; } #server-nick, #button-multiline-expand, #button-input, #button-multiline-contract { margin: 0; } #input, #multiline-input { margin: 0 4px; } /* Hack; Stop the status-bar from distorting without a security icon */ #status-text { min-height: 17px; } #status-text[notice="true"] { font-weight: bold; } #security-button { min-width: 20px; } #security-button:not([level="high"]):not([level="broken"]) { display: none; } #security-button[level="high"] > image { list-style-image: url("chrome://communicator/skin/icons/lock-secure.gif"); } #security-button[level="broken"] > image { list-style-image: url("chrome://communicator/skin/icons/lock-broken.gif"); } /* prevent margins of a value-less label from shifting the image */ #security-button > label:not([value]) { display: none; } #alert-status[alertstate="off"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/spbubble-off.png"); } #alert-status[alertstate="on"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/spbubble-on.png"); } #logging-status[loggingstate="off"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/logging-off.png"); } #logging-status[loggingstate="on"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/logging-on.png"); } #offline-status[offlinestate="offline"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://communicator/skin/icons/offline.gif"); } #offline-status[offlinestate="online"] { list-style-image: url("chrome://communicator/skin/icons/online.gif"); } /* Focus styling for a11y reasons */ #user-list-box[focusobvious="true"], #browser-box[focusobvious="true"], #multiline-hug-box[focusobvious="true"], #singleline-hug-box[focusobvious="true"] { outline: 2px solid #336699; }