debug_toSingleAddress = $debug_email; } function setSubject($newsubject) { $this->subject = $newsubject; } function setSender($email, $name = "") { $this->sender = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); } function setReplyTo($email, $name = "") { $this->replyto = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); } function addRecipient($email, $name = "") { $this->recipients[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); } function addCC($email, $name = "") { $this->cc[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); } function addBCC($email, $name = "") { $this->bcc[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); } function addHeader($hname, $hcontent = "") { $this->headers[] = array("name" => $hname, "content" => $hcontent); } function addMailText($textpart) { $this->mailtext .= $textpart; } function addAttachment($aname, $acontent, $atype = "application/octet-stream") { $this->attachments[] = array("name" => $aname, "content" => $acontent, "type" => $atype); } function send() { global $util; $mtxt = ""; $hdrs = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n"; $subj = $this->mimeencode($this->subject); if (strlen($this->sender["name"])) { $hdrs .= "From: ".$this->mimeencode($this->sender["name"])." <".$this->sender["mail"].">\n"; } else { $hdrs .= "From: ".$this->sender["mail"]."\n"; } if (count($this->replyto)) { if (strlen($this->replyto["name"])) { $hdrs .= "Reply-to: ".$this->mimeencode($this->replyto["name"])." <".$this->replyto["mail"].">\n"; } else { $hdrs .= "Reply-to: ".$this->replyto["mail"]."\n"; } } if (count($this->recipients)) { $recpt = ""; foreach ($this->recipients as $address) { if (strlen($address["name"])) { $recpt .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; } else { $recpt .= $address["mail"].","; } } $recpt = ereg_replace(",$", "", $recpt); } if (count($this->cc)) { $adrs = ""; foreach ($this->cc as $address) { if (strlen($address["name"])) { $adrs .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; } else { $adrs .= $address["mail"].","; } } $adrs = ereg_replace(",$", "", $adrs); $hdrs .= (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)?"X-Real-":"")."Cc: $adrs\n"; } if (count($this->bcc)) { $adrs = ""; foreach ($this->bcc as $address) { if (strlen($address["name"])) { $adrs .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; } else { $adrs .= $address["mail"].","; } } $adrs = ereg_replace(",$", "", $adrs); $hdrs .= (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)?"X-Real-":"")."Bcc: $adrs\n"; } if (count($this->headers)) { foreach ($this->headers as $header) { $hdrs .= $header["name"].": ".$header["content"]."\n"; } } if (count($this->attachments)) { $boundary = "KaiRoJVPSteyr1030713"; $hdrs .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\";\n"; $hdrs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n"; $mtxt .= "This part of the E-mail should never be seen. If\n"; $mtxt .= "you are reading this, consider upgrading your e-mail\n"; $mtxt .= "client to a MIME-compatible client.\n"; $mtxt .= "--$boundary\n"; if (ereg("text/.*", $this->content_type)) { $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."; charset=\"".$this->charset."\"\n"; } else { $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."\n"; } $mtxt .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n"; } else { if (ereg("text/.*", $this->content_type)) { $hdrs .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."; charset=\"".$this->charset."\"\n"; } else { $hdrs .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."\n"; } $hdrs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"; } $mtxt .= stripslashes($this->mailtext); if (count($this->attachments)) { foreach ($this->attachments as $attach) { $mtxt .= "--$boundary\n"; $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$attach["type"]."; name=\"".$attach["name"]."\";\n"; $mtxt .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n"; $mtxt .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\n\n"; $mtxt .= rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($attach["content"]), 76)); ; $mtxt .= "\n"; } $mtext .= "--$boundary--\n"; } if (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)) { $hdrs .= "X-Real-To: $recpt\n"; $recpt = $this->debug_toSingleAddress; } //print("Subject: ".$util->htmlify($subj)."
\n"); //print("To: ".$util->htmlify($recpt)."
\n"); //print(nl2br($util->htmlify($hdrs))); //print(nl2br($util->htmlify($mtxt))); mail($recpt, $subj, $mtxt, $hdrs); } function mimeencode($fieldtext) { $mText = imap_8bit($fieldtext); if ($mText != $fieldtext) { $trans = array("_" => "=5F", " " => "_", "?" => "=3F"); $mText = strtr($mText, $trans); $mText = "=?ISO-8859-15?Q?".$mText."?="; } return $mText; } } ?>