Tasks to complete for Lantea Maps: Required: * Improve tile cache: ** If cached tiles have changed, possibly also try (async) updates of other cached zoom levels covering this area ** Pre-cache tiles in adjacent areas and possibly zoom levels *** Feature to download all maps up to a certain resolution for some area around the current point * Improve texture cleaning algorithm * UI improvements (non-map): ** Change general/track settings to drawer style ** Show a notification when we are loading tiles or saved data ** Display movement speed ** Display location accuracy ** Find better UI for track length/duration display * Map/track display improvements: ** Speed up track drawing: *** Only draw lines that are visible *** Reduce lines to draw by eliminating unneeded detail (based on zoom level) *** Make track drawing async and hooked up to requestAnimationFrame() ** Show a better visible marker for the current location, possibly also indicating movement direction/speed ** Smooth animations for zooming, probably using some WebGL magic ** Use available larger/smaller tiles with resizing as loading placeholders while zooming in/out * Better GPX saving implementation [blocked by missing web APIs] ** Set file name to save into to a good default (date + maybe some location name) Nice To Have: * Possibility to auto-rotate map to match movement direction * GPS details display (satellite visibility/strength) [blocked by missing web APIs] * Magnetic compass display (using orientiation API) * Integrate reverse geocoding, using http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Nominatim e.g. http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/reverse?format=jdon&lat=48.2051107&lon=16.3449773&zoom=14&addressdetails=1 Future Possibilities: * Routing / Turn-by-turn navigation * POI display * Search address * Mark a target location and show distance to it