check session and login in authorize request
[authserver.git] / index.php
... / ...
2/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
4 * You can obtain one at */
6// Include the common auth system files (including the OAuth2 Server object).
9// Start HTML document as a DOM object.
10extract(ExtendedDocument::initHTML5()); // sets $document, $html, $head, $title, $body
11$document->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
13$style = $head->appendElement('link');
14$style->setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
15$style->setAttribute('href', 'authsystem.css');
17$title->appendText(' Authentication Server');
18$h1 = $body->appendElement('h1', ' Authentication Server');
20$errors = $utils->checkForSecureConnection();
22$para = $body->appendElement('p', _('This login system does not work without JavaScript. Please activate JavaScript for this site to log in.'));
23$para->setAttribute('id', 'jswarning');
24$para->setAttribute('class', 'warn');
26if (!count($errors)) {
27 $session = $utils->initSession(); // Read session or create new session and set cookie.
28 $user = array('id' => 0, 'email' => '');
29 $pagetype = 'default';
30 if (is_null($session)) {
31 $errors[] = _('The session system is not working. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
32 }
33 elseif (array_key_exists('logout', $_GET)) {
34 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_sessions` SET `logged_in` = FALSE WHERE `id` = :sessid;');
35 if (!$result->execute(array(':sessid' => $session['id']))) {
36 $utils->log('logout_failure', 'session: '.$session['id']);
37 $errors[] = _('The email address is invalid.');
38 }
39 $session['logged_in'] = 0;
40 }
41 elseif (array_key_exists('email', $_POST)) {
42 if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@[^@]+\.[^@]+$/', $_POST['email'])) {
43 $errors[] = _('The email address is invalid.');
44 }
45 elseif ($utils->verifyTimeCode(@$_POST['tcode'], $session)) {
46 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`, `pwdhash`, `email`, `status`, `verify_hash` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `email` = :email;');
47 $result->execute(array(':email' => $_POST['email']));
48 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
49 if ($user['id'] && array_key_exists('pwd', $_POST)) {
50 // existing user, check password
51 if (($user['status'] == 'ok') && $utils->pwdVerify(@$_POST['pwd'], $user)) {
52 // Check if a newer hashing algorithm is available
53 // or the cost has changed
54 if ($utils->pwdNeedsRehash($user)) {
55 // If so, create a new hash, and replace the old one
56 $newHash = $utils->pwdHash($_POST['pwd']);
57 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `pwdhash` = :pwdhash WHERE `id` = :userid;');
58 if (!$result->execute(array(':pwdhash' => $newHash, ':userid' => $user['id']))) {
59 $utils->log('user_hash_save_failure', 'user: '.$user['id']);
60 }
61 else {
62 $utils->log('pwd_rehash_success', 'user: '.$user['id']);
63 }
64 }
66 // Log user in - update session key for that, see
67 $utils->log('login', 'user: '.$user['id']);
68 $sesskey = $utils->createSessionKey();
69 setcookie('sessionkey', $sesskey, 0, "", "", !$utils->running_on_localhost, true); // Last two params are secure and httponly, secure is not set on localhost.
70 // If the session has a user set, create a new one - otherwise take existing session entry.
71 if (intval($session['user'])) {
72 $result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_sessions` (`sesskey`, `time_expire`, `user`, `logged_in`) VALUES (:sesskey, :expire, :userid, TRUE);');
73 $result->execute(array(':sesskey' => $sesskey, ':userid' => $user['id'], ':expire' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 day'))));
74 // After insert, actually fetch the session row from the DB so we have all values.
75 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM auth_sessions WHERE `sesskey` = :sesskey AND `time_expire` > :expire;');
76 $result->execute(array(':sesskey' => $sesskey, ':expire' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
77 $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
78 if ($row) {
79 $session = $row;
80 }
81 else {
82 $utils->log('create_session_failure', 'at login, prev session: '.$session['id'].', new user: '.$user['id']);
83 $errors[] = _('The session system is not working. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
84 }
85 }
86 else {
87 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_sessions` SET `sesskey` = :sesskey, `user` = :userid, `logged_in` = TRUE, `time_expire` = :expire WHERE `id` = :sessid;');
88 if (!$result->execute(array(':sesskey' => $sesskey, ':userid' => $user['id'], ':expire' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+1 day')), ':sessid' => $session['id']))) {
89 $utils->log('login_failure', 'session: '.$session['id'].', user: '.$user['id']);
90 $errors[] = _('Login failed unexpectedly. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
91 }
92 else {
93 // After update, actually fetch the session row from the DB so we have all values.
94 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT * FROM auth_sessions WHERE `sesskey` = :sesskey AND `time_expire` > :expire;');
95 $result->execute(array(':sesskey' => $sesskey, ':expire' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s')));
96 $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
97 if ($row) {
98 $session = $row;
99 }
100 }
101 }
102 // If a verify_hash if set on a verified user, a password reset had been requested. As a login works right now, cancel that reset request by deleting the hash.
103 if (strlen(@$user['verify_hash'])) {
104 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `verify_hash` = \'\' WHERE `id` = :userid;');
105 if (!$result->execute(array(':userid' => $user['id']))) {
106 $utils->log('empty_vhash_failure', 'user: '.$user['id']);
107 }
108 else {
109 $user['verify_hash'] = '';
110 }
111 }
112 }
113 else {
114 $errors[] = _('This password is invalid or your email is not verified yet. Did you type them correctly?');
115 }
116 }
117 else {
118 // new user: check password, create user and send verification; existing users: re-send verification or send password change instructions
119 if (array_key_exists('pwd', $_POST)) {
120 $errors += $utils->checkPasswordConstraints(strval($_POST['pwd']), $_POST['email']);
121 }
122 if (!count($errors)) {
123 // Put user into the DB
124 if (!$user['id']) {
125 $newHash = $utils->pwdHash($_POST['pwd']);
126 $vcode = $utils->createVerificationCode();
127 $result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_users` (`email`, `pwdhash`, `status`, `verify_hash`) VALUES (:email, :pwdhash, \'unverified\', :vcode);');
128 if (!$result->execute(array(':email' => $_POST['email'], ':pwdhash' => $newHash, ':vcode' => $vcode))) {
129 $utils->log('user_insert_failure', 'email: '.$_POST['email']);
130 $errors[] = _('Could not add user. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
131 }
132 $user = array('id' => $db->lastInsertId(),
133 'email' => $_POST['email'],
134 'pwdhash' => $newHash,
135 'status' => 'unverified',
136 'verify_hash' => $vcode);
137 $utils->log('new_user', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
138 }
139 if ($user['status'] == 'unverified') {
140 // Send email for verification and show message to point to it.
141 $mail = new email();
142 $mail->setCharset('utf-8');
143 $mail->addHeader('X-KAIRO-AUTH', 'email_verification');
144 $mail->addRecipient($user['email']);
145 $mail->setSender('', _(' Authentication Service'));
146 $mail->setSubject('Email Verification for Authentication');
147 $mail->addMailText(_('Welcome!')."\n\n");
148 $mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('This email address, %s, has been used for registration on "%s".'),
149 $user['email'], _(' Authentication Service'))."\n\n");
150 $mail->addMailText(_('Please confirm that registration by clicking the following link (or calling it up in your browser):')."\n");
151 $mail->addMailText(($utils->running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
152 .'?email='.rawurlencode($user['email']).'&verification_code='.rawurlencode($user['verify_hash'])."\n\n");
153 $mail->addMailText(_('With this confirmation, you accept that we handle your data for the purpose of logging you into other websites when you request that.')."\n");
154 $mail->addMailText(_('Those websites will get to know your email address but not your password, which we store securely.')."\n");
155 $mail->addMailText(_('If you do not call this confirmation link within 72 hours, your data will be deleted from our database.')."\n\n");
156 $mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('The %s team'), ''));
157 //$mail->setDebugAddress("robert@localhost");
158 $mailsent = $mail->send();
159 if ($mailsent) {
160 $pagetype = 'verification_sent';
161 }
162 else {
163 $utils->log('verify_mail_failure', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
164 $errors[] = _('The confirmation email could not be sent to you. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
165 }
166 }
167 else {
168 // Password reset requested with "Password forgotten?" function.
169 $vcode = $utils->createVerificationCode();
170 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `verify_hash` = :vcode WHERE `id` = :userid;');
171 if (!$result->execute(array(':vcode' => $vcode, ':userid' => $user['id']))) {
172 $utils->log('vhash_set_failure', 'user: '.$user['id']);
173 $errors[] = _('Could not initiate reset request. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
174 }
175 else {
176 $utils->log('pwd_reset_request', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
177 $resetcode = $vcode.dechex($user['id'] + $session['id']).'_'.$utils->createTimeCode($session, null, 60);
178 // Send email with instructions for resetting the password.
179 $mail = new email();
180 $mail->setCharset('utf-8');
181 $mail->addHeader('X-KAIRO-AUTH', 'password_reset');
182 $mail->addRecipient($user['email']);
183 $mail->setSender('', _(' Authentication Service'));
184 $mail->setSubject('How to reset your password for Authentication');
185 $mail->addMailText(_('Hi,')."\n\n");
186 $mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('A request for setting a new password for this email address, %s, has been submitted on "%s".'),
187 $user['email'], _(' Authentication Service'))."\n\n");
188 $mail->addMailText(_('You can set a new password by clicking the following link (or calling it up in your browser):')."\n");
189 $mail->addMailText(($utils->running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
190 .'?email='.rawurlencode($user['email']).'&reset_code='.rawurlencode($resetcode)."\n\n");
191 $mail->addMailText(_('If you do not call this confirmation link within 1 hour, this link expires and the existing password is being kept in place.')."\n\n");
192 $mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('The %s team'), ''));
193 //$mail->setDebugAddress("robert@localhost");
194 $mailsent = $mail->send();
195 if ($mailsent) {
196 $pagetype = 'resetmail_sent';
197 }
198 else {
199 $utils->log('pwd_reset_mail_failure', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
200 $errors[] = _('The email with password reset instructions could not be sent to you. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
201 }
202 }
203 }
204 }
205 }
206 }
207 else {
208 $errors[] = _('The form you used was not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to initiate the action again.');
209 }
210 }
211 elseif (array_key_exists('reset', $_GET)) {
212 if ($session['logged_in']) {
213 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `id` = :userid;');
214 $result->execute(array(':userid' => $session['user']));
215 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
216 if (!$user['id']) {
217 $utils->log('reset_user_read_failure', 'user: '.$session['user']);
218 }
219 $pagetype = 'resetpwd';
220 }
221 else {
222 // Display form for entering email.
223 $pagetype = 'resetstart';
224 }
225 }
226 elseif (array_key_exists('verification_code', $_GET)) {
227 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `email` = :email AND `status` = \'unverified\' AND `verify_hash` = :vcode;');
228 $result->execute(array(':email' => @$_GET['email'], ':vcode' => $_GET['verification_code']));
229 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
230 if ($user['id']) {
231 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `verify_hash` = \'\', `status` = \'ok\' WHERE `id` = :userid;');
232 if (!$result->execute(array(':userid' => $user['id']))) {
233 $utils->log('verification_save_failure', 'user: '.$user['id']);
234 $errors[] = _('Could not save confirmation. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
235 }
236 $pagetype = 'verification_done';
237 }
238 else {
239 $errors[] = _('The confirmation link you called is not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to try registering again.');
240 }
241 }
242 elseif (array_key_exists('reset_code', $_GET)) {
243 $reset_fail = true;
244 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email`,`verify_hash` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `email` = :email');
245 $result->execute(array(':email' => @$_GET['email']));
246 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
247 if ($user['id']) {
248 // Deconstruct reset code and verify it.
249 if (preg_match('/^([0-9a-f]{'.strlen($user['verify_hash']).'})([0-9a-f]+)_(\d+\.\d+)$/', $_GET['reset_code'], $regs)) {
250 $tcode_sessid = hexdec($regs[2]) - $user['id'];
251 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`sesskey` FROM `auth_sessions` WHERE `id` = :sessid;');
252 $result->execute(array(':sessid' => $tcode_sessid));
253 $row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
254 if ($row) {
255 $tcode_session = $row;
256 if (($regs[1] == $user['verify_hash']) &&
257 $utils->verifyTimeCode($regs[3], $session, 60)) {
258 // Set a new verify_hash for the actual password reset.
259 $user['verify_hash'] = $utils->createVerificationCode();
260 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `verify_hash` = :vcode WHERE `id` = :userid;');
261 if (!$result->execute(array(':vcode' => $user['verify_hash'], ':userid' => $user['id']))) {
262 $utils->log('vhash_reset_failure', 'user: '.$user['id']);
263 }
264 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_sessions` SET `user` = :userid WHERE `id` = :sessid;');
265 if (!$result->execute(array(':userid' => $user['id'], ':sessid' => $session['id']))) {
266 $utils->log('reset_session_set_user_failure', 'session: '.$session['id']);
267 }
268 $pagetype = 'resetpwd';
269 $reset_fail = false;
270 }
271 }
272 }
273 }
274 if ($reset_fail) {
275 $errors[] = _('The password reset link you called is not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to call the "Password forgotten?" function again.');
276 }
277 }
278 elseif (intval($session['user'])) {
279 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email`,`verify_hash` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `id` = :userid;');
280 $result->execute(array(':userid' => $session['user']));
281 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
282 if (!$user['id']) {
283 $utils->log('user_read_failure', 'user: '.$session['user']);
284 }
285 // Password reset requested.
286 if (array_key_exists('pwd', $_POST) && array_key_exists('reset', $_POST) && array_key_exists('tcode', $_POST)) {
287 // If not logged in, a password reset needs to have the proper vcode set.
288 if (!$session['logged_in'] && (!strlen(@$_POST['vcode']) || ($_POST['vcode'] != $user['verify_hash']))) {
289 $errors[] = _('Password reset failed. The reset form you used was not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to initiate the password reset again.');
290 }
291 // If not logged in, a password reset also needs to have the proper email set.
292 if (!$session['logged_in'] && !count($errors) && (@$_POST['email_hidden'] != $user['email'])) {
293 $errors[] = _('Password reset failed. The reset form you used was not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to initiate the password reset again.');
294 }
295 // Check validity of time code.
296 if (!count($errors) && !$utils->verifyTimeCode($_POST['tcode'], $session)) {
297 $errors[] = _('Password reset failed. The reset form you used was not valid. Possibly it has expired and you need to initiate the password reset again.');
298 }
299 $errors += $utils->checkPasswordConstraints(strval($_POST['pwd']), $user['email']);
300 if (!count($errors)) {
301 $newHash = $utils->pwdHash($_POST['pwd']);
302 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `pwdhash` = :pwdhash, `verify_hash` = \'\' WHERE `id` = :userid;');
303 if (!$result->execute(array(':pwdhash' => $newHash, ':userid' => $session['user']))) {
304 $utils->log('pwd_reset_failure', 'user: '.$session['user']);
305 $errors[] = _('Password reset failed. Please <a href="">contact</a> and tell the team about this.');
306 }
307 else {
308 $pagetype = 'reset_done';
309 }
310 }
311 }
312 }
315if (!count($errors)) {
316 if ($pagetype == 'verification_sent') {
317 $para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('An email for confirmation has been sent to %s. Please follow the link provided there to complete the process.'), $user['email']));
318 $para->setAttribute('class', 'verifyinfo pending');
319 }
320 elseif ($pagetype == 'resetmail_sent') {
321 $para = $body->appendElement('p',
322 _('An email has been sent to the requested account with further information. If you do not receive an email then please confirm you have entered the same email address used during account registration.'));
323 $para->setAttribute('class', 'resetinfo pending');
324 }
325 elseif ($pagetype == 'resetstart') {
326 $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('If you forgot your password or didn\'t receive the registration confirmation, please enter your email here.'));
327 $para->setAttribute('class', '');
328 $form = $body->appendForm('./?reset', 'POST', 'resetform');
329 $form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
330 $form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
331 $ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
332 $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat login');
333 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
334 $inptxt = $litem->appendInputEmail('email', 30, 20, 'login_email');
335 $inptxt->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'email');
336 $inptxt->setAttribute('required', '');
337 $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Email'));
338 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
339 $litem->appendInputHidden('tcode', $utils->createTimeCode($session));
340 $submit = $litem->appendInputSubmit(_('Send instructions to email'));
341 }
342 elseif ($pagetype == 'resetpwd') {
343 $para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('You can set a new password for %s here.'), $user['email']));
344 $para->setAttribute('class', '');
345 $form = $body->appendForm('./', 'POST', 'newpwdform');
346 $form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
347 $form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
348 $ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
349 $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat login');
350 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
351 $litem->setAttribute('class', 'donotshow');
352 $inptxt = $litem->appendInputEmail('email_hidden', 30, 20, 'login_email', $user['email']);
353 $inptxt->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'email');
354 $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Email'));
355 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
356 $inptxt = $litem->appendInputPassword('pwd', 20, 20, 'login_pwd', '');
357 $inptxt->setAttribute('required', '');
358 $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Password'));
359 $inptxt->setAttribute('class', 'login');
360 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
361 $litem->appendInputHidden('reset', '');
362 $litem->appendInputHidden('tcode', $utils->createTimeCode($session));
363 if (!$session['logged_in'] && strlen(@$user['verify_hash'])) {
364 $litem->appendInputHidden('vcode', $user['verify_hash']);
365 }
366 $submit = $litem->appendInputSubmit(_('Save password'));
367 }
368 elseif ($session['logged_in']) {
369 if ($pagetype == 'reset_done') {
370 $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('Your password has successfully been reset.'));
371 $para->setAttribute('class', 'resetinfo done');
372 }
373 $div = $body->appendElement('div', $user['email']);
374 $div->setAttribute('class', 'loginheader');
375 $div = $body->appendElement('div');
376 $div->setAttribute('class', 'loginlinks');
377 $ulist = $div->appendElement('ul');
378 $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat');
379 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
380 $link = $litem->appendLink('./?logout', _('Log out'));
381 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
382 $litem->appendLink('./?reset', _('Set new password'));
383 }
384 else { // not logged in
385 if ($pagetype == 'verification_done') {
386 $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('Hooray! Your email was successfully confirmed! You can log in now.'));
387 $para->setAttribute('class', 'verifyinfo done');
388 }
389 elseif ($pagetype == 'reset_done') {
390 $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('Your password has successfully been reset. You can log in now with the new password.'));
391 $para->setAttribute('class', 'resetinfo done');
392 }
393 $form = $body->appendForm('./', 'POST', 'loginform');
394 $form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
395 $form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
396 $ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
397 $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat login');
398 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
399 $inptxt = $litem->appendInputEmail('email', 30, 20, 'login_email', (intval($user['id'])?$user['email']:''));
400 $inptxt->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'email');
401 $inptxt->setAttribute('required', '');
402 $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Email'));
403 $inptxt->setAttribute('class', 'login');
404 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
405 $inptxt = $litem->appendInputPassword('pwd', 20, 20, 'login_pwd', '');
406 $inptxt->setAttribute('required', '');
407 $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Password'));
408 $inptxt->setAttribute('class', 'login');
409 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
410 $litem->appendLink('./?reset', _('Forgot password?'));
411 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
412 $cbox = $litem->appendInputCheckbox('remember', 'login_remember', 'true', false);
413 $cbox->setAttribute('class', 'logincheck');
414 $label = $litem->appendLabel('login_remember', _('Remember me'));
415 $label->setAttribute('id', 'rememprompt');
416 $label->setAttribute('class', 'loginprompt');
417 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
418 $litem->appendInputHidden('tcode', $utils->createTimeCode($session));
419 $submit = $litem->appendInputSubmit(_('Log in / Register'));
420 $submit->setAttribute('class', 'loginbutton');
421 }
424if (count($errors)) {
425 $body->appendElement('p', ((count($errors) <= 1)
426 ?_('The following error was detected')
427 :_('The following errors were detected')).':');
428 $list = $body->appendElement('ul');
429 $list->setAttribute('class', 'flat warn');
430 foreach ($errors as $msg) {
431 $item = $list->appendElement('li', $msg);
432 }
433 $body->appendButton(_('Back'), 'history.back();');
436// Send HTML to client.