first step in making the authorize target work correctly, move check for secure conne...
[authserver.git] / authutils.php-class
... / ...
2/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
4 * You can obtain one at */
6class AuthUtils {
7 // authentication utilities PHP class
8 // This class contains helper functions for the authentication system.
9 //
10 // function __construct($settings, $db)
12 // Settings are an associative array with a numeric pwd_cost field and an array pwd_nonces field.
13 // The DB is a PDO object.
14 //
15 // public $db
16 // A PDO database object for interaction.
17 //
18 // public $running_on_localhost
19 // A boolean telling if the system is running on localhost (where https is not required).
20 //
21 // private $pwd_cost
22 // The cost parameter for use with PHP password_hash function.
23 //
24 // private $pwd_nonces
25 // The array of nonces to use for "peppering" passwords. For new hashes, the last one of those will be used.
26 // Generate a nonce with this command: |openssl rand -base64 48|
27 //
28 // function log($code, $additional_info)
29 // Log an entry for admin purposes, with a code and some additional info.
30 //
31 // function checkForSecureConnection()
32 // Check is the connection is secure and return an array of error messages (empty if it's secure).
33 //
34 // function checkPasswordConstraints($new_password, $user_email)
35 // Check password constraints and return an array of error messages (empty if all constraints are met).
36 //
37 // function createSessionKey()
38 // Return a random session key.
39 //
40 // function createVerificationCode()
41 // Return a random acount/email verification code.
42 //
43 // function createTimeCode($session, [$offset], [$validity_minutes])
44 // Return a time-based code based on the key and ID of the given session.
45 // An offset can be given to create a specific code for verification, otherwise and offset will be generated.
46 // Also, an amount of minutes for the code to stay valid can be handed over, by default 10 minutes will be used.
47 //
48 // function verifyTimeCode($timecode_to_verify, $session, [$validity_minutes])
49 // Verify a given time-based code and return true if it's valid or false if it's not.
50 // See createTimeCode() documentation for the session and validity paramerters.
51 //
52 // function pwdHash($new_password)
53 // Return a hash for the given password.
54 //
55 // function pwdVerify($password_to_verify, $user)
56 // Return true if the password verifies against the pwdhash field of the user, false if not.
57 //
58 // function pwdNeedsRehash($user)
59 // Return true if the pwdhash field of the user uses an outdated standard and needs to be rehashed.
61 function __construct($settings, $db) {
62 // *** constructor ***
63 $this->db = $db;
64 $this->running_on_localhost = preg_match('/^((.+\.)?localhost|127\.0\.0\.\d+)$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
65 if (array_key_exists('pwd_cost', $settings)) {
66 $this->pwd_cost = $settings['pwd_cost'];
67 }
68 if (array_key_exists('pwd_nonces', $settings)) {
69 $this->pwd_nonces = $settings['pwd_nonces'];
70 }
71 }
73 public $db = null;
74 public $running_on_localhost = false;
75 private $pwd_cost = 10;
76 private $pwd_nonces = array();
78 function log($code, $info) {
79 $result = $this->db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_log` (`code`, `info`, `ip_addr`) VALUES (:code, :info, :ipaddr);');
80 if (!$result->execute(array(':code' => $code, ':info' => $info, ':ipaddr' => $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']))) {
81 // print($result->errorInfo()[2]);
82 }
83 }
85 function checkForSecureConnection() {
86 $errors = array();
87 if (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) && !$this->running_on_localhost) {
88 $errors[] = _('You are not accessing this site on a secure connection, so authentication doesn\'t work.');
89 }
90 return $errors;
91 }
93 function checkPasswordConstraints($new_password, $user_email) {
94 $errors = array();
95 if ($new_password != trim($new_password)) {
96 $errors[] = _('Password must not start or end with a whitespace character like a space.');
97 }
98 if (strlen($new_password) < 8) { $errors[] = sprintf(_('Password too short (min. %s characters).'), 8); }
99 if (strlen($new_password) > 70) { $errors[] = sprintf(_('Password too long (max. %s characters).'), 70); }
100 if ((strtolower($new_password) == strtolower($user_email)) ||
101 in_array(strtolower($new_password), preg_split("/[@\.]+/", strtolower($user_email)))) {
102 $errors[] = _('The passwort can not be equal to your email or any part of it.');
103 }
104 if ((strlen($new_password) < 15) && (preg_match('/^[a-zA-Z]+$/', $new_password))) {
105 $errors[] = sprintf(_('Your password must use characters other than normal letters or contain least %s characters.'), 15);
106 }
107 if (preg_match('/^\d+$/', $new_password)) {
108 $errors[] = sprintf(_('Your password cannot consist only of numbers.'), 15);
109 }
110 if (strlen(count_chars($new_password, 3)) < 5) {
111 $errors[] = sprintf(_('Password does have to contain at least %s different characters.'), 5);
112 }
113 return $errors;
114 }
116 function createSessionKey() {
117 return bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512 / 8)); // Get 512 bits of randomness (128 byte hex string).
118 }
120 function createVerificationCode() {
121 return bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(512 / 8)); // Get 512 bits of randomness (128 byte hex string).
122 }
124 function createTimeCode($session, $offset = null, $validity_minutes = 10) {
125 // Matches TOTP algorithms, see
126 $valid_seconds = intval($validity_minutes) * 60;
127 if ($valid_seconds < 60) { $valid_seconds = 60; }
128 $code_digits = 8;
129 $time = time();
130 $rest = is_null($offset)?($time % $valid_seconds):intval($offset); // T0, will be sent as part of code to make it valid for the full duration.
131 $counter = floor(($time - $rest) / $valid_seconds);
132 $hmac = mhash(MHASH_SHA1, $counter, $session['id'].$session['sesskey']);
133 $offset = hexdec(substr(bin2hex(substr($hmac, -1)), -1)); // Get the last 4 bits as a number.
134 $totp = hexdec(bin2hex(substr($hmac, $offset, 4))) & 0x7FFFFFFF; // Take 4 bytes at the offset, discard highest bit.
135 $totp_value = sprintf('%0'.$code_digits.'d', substr($totp, -$code_digits));
136 return $rest.'.'.$totp_value;
137 }
139 function verifyTimeCode($timecode_to_verify, $session, $validity_minutes = 10) {
140 if (preg_match('/^(\d+)\.\d+$/', $timecode_to_verify, $regs)) {
141 return ($timecode_to_verify === $this->createTimeCode($session, $regs[1], $validity_minutes));
142 }
143 return false;
144 }
146 function pwdHash($new_password) {
147 $hash_prefix = '';
148 if (count($this->pwd_nonces)) {
149 $new_password .= $this->pwd_nonces[count($this->pwd_nonces) - 1];
150 $hash_prefix = (count($this->pwd_nonces) - 1).'|';
151 }
152 return $hash_prefix.password_hash($new_password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, array('cost' => $this->pwd_cost));
153 }
155 function pwdVerify($password_to_verify, $userdata) {
156 $pwdhash = $userdata['pwdhash'];
157 if (preg_match('/^(\d+)\|(.+)$/', $userdata['pwdhash'], $regs)) {
158 $password_to_verify .= $this->pwd_nonces[$regs[1]];
159 $pwdhash = $regs[2];
160 }
161 return password_verify($password_to_verify, $pwdhash);
162 }
164 function pwdNeedsRehash($userdata) {
165 $nonceid = -1;
166 $pwdhash = $userdata['pwdhash'];
167 if (preg_match('/^(\d+)\|(.+)$/', $userdata['pwdhash'], $regs)) {
168 $nonceid = $regs[1];
169 $pwdhash = $regs[2];
170 }
171 if ($nonceid == count($this->pwd_nonces) - 1) {
172 return password_needs_rehash($pwdhash, PASSWORD_DEFAULT, array('cost' => $this->pwd_cost));
173 }
174 else {
175 return true;
176 }
177 }