if (!preg_match('/^[^@]+@([^@]+\.[^@]+|localhost)$/', $_POST['email'])) {
$errors[] = _('The email address is invalid.');
- elseif ($utils->verifyTimeCode(@$_POST['tcode'], $session)) {
- $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`, `pwdhash`, `email`, `status`, `verify_hash`,`group_id` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `email` = :email;');
+ elseif ($utils->verifyTimeCode($_POST['tcode'] ?? '', $session)) {
+ $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`, `pwdhash`, `email`, `status`, `verify_hash`, `group_id`, `hcheck_question`, `hcheck_solution` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `email` = :email;');
$result->execute(array(':email' => $_POST['email']));
- $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ $user_data = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
+ if ($user_data) {
+ $user = $user_data;
+ }
// If we need to add the email to a group, note here which user's group we should be added to - otherwise, set to 0.
$addgroup = (array_key_exists('grouptoexisting', $_POST) && intval($session['user']) && ($session['user'] != @$user['id'])) ? $session['user'] : 0;
- if ($user['id'] && array_key_exists('pwd', $_POST)) {
+ if ($user['id'] && $user['status'] != 'unchecked' && array_key_exists('pwd', $_POST)) {
// existing user, check password
if (($user['status'] == 'ok') && $utils->pwdVerify(@$_POST['pwd'], $user)) {
// Check if a newer hashing algorithm is available
if (!$user['id']) {
$newHash = $utils->pwdHash($_POST['pwd']);
$vcode = $utils->createVerificationCode();
- $result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_users` (`email`, `pwdhash`, `status`, `verify_hash`) VALUES (:email, :pwdhash, \'unverified\', :vcode);');
- if (!$result->execute(array(':email' => $_POST['email'], ':pwdhash' => $newHash, ':vcode' => $vcode))) {
+ $result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_users` (`email`, `pwdhash`, `status`, `verify_hash`) VALUES (:email, :pwdhash, :status, :vcode);');
+ if (!$result->execute(array(':email' => $_POST['email'], ':pwdhash' => $newHash, ':status' => 'unchecked', ':vcode' => $vcode))) {
$utils->log('user_insert_failure', 'email: '.$_POST['email'].' - '.$result->errorInfo()[2]);
$errors[] = _('Could not add user.').' '
.sprintf(_('Please <a href="%s">contact %s</a> and tell the team about this.'), $utils->settings['operator_contact_url'], $utils->settings['operator_name']);
- $user = array('id' => $db->lastInsertId(),
- 'email' => $_POST['email'],
- 'pwdhash' => $newHash,
- 'status' => 'unverified',
- 'verify_hash' => $vcode);
+ $user = [
+ 'id' => $db->lastInsertId(),
+ 'email' => $_POST['email'],
+ 'pwdhash' => $newHash,
+ 'status' => 'unchecked',
+ 'verify_hash' => $vcode,
+ 'hcheck_question' => null,
+ 'hcheck_solution' => null,
+ ];
$utils->log('new_user', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
- if ($user['status'] == 'unverified') {
+ $utils->log('user_log_check', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email'].', status: '.$user['status']);
+ if ($user['status'] == 'unchecked' && !is_null($user['hcheck_question']) && array_key_exists('hcheck_solution', $_POST)) {
+ if ($_POST['hcheck_solution'] == $user['hcheck_solution']) {
+ $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `status` = :status, `hcheck_question` = :hcquestion, `hcheck_solution` = :hcsolution WHERE `id` = :userid;');
+ if (!$result->execute(array(':status' => 'unverified', ':hcquestion' => null, ':hcsolution' => null, ':userid' => $user['id']))) {
+ $errors[] = _('Could not update user status.').' '
+ .sprintf(_('Please <a href="%s">contact %s</a> and tell the team about this.'), $utils->settings['operator_contact_url'], $utils->settings['operator_name']);
+ }
+ $user['status'] = 'unverified';
+ $utils->log('user_checked', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
+ }
+ else {
+ $errors[] = _('Solution was not correct. Please start over.');
+ $utils->log('user_check_failed', 'user: '.$user['id'].', email: '.$user['email']);
+ }
+ }
+ if ($user['status'] == 'unchecked') {
+ // Display a humanity check.
+ $pagetype = 'human_check';
+ // simple numbers, we stay within the 0 to 100 range
+ $num1 = mt_rand(0, 10);
+ $num2 = mt_rand($num1, 100);
+ $operation = mt_rand(0, 1); // 0 is addition, 1 is subtraction
+ if ($operation == 0) {
+ $user['hcheck_question'] = sprintf(_('%s plus %s equals'), ($num2 - $num1), $num1);
+ $user['hcheck_solution'] = $num2;
+ }
+ else {
+ $user['hcheck_question'] = sprintf(_('%s minus %s equals'), $num2, $num1);
+ $user['hcheck_solution'] = $num2 - $num1;
+ }
+ $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_users` SET `hcheck_question` = :hcquestion, `hcheck_solution` = :hcsolution WHERE `id` = :userid;');
+ if (!$result->execute(array(':hcquestion' => $user['hcheck_question'], ':hcsolution' => $user['hcheck_solution'], ':userid' => $user['id']))) {
+ $errors[] = _('Could not generate check for being a human.').' '
+ .sprintf(_('Please <a href="%s">contact %s</a> and tell the team about this.'), $utils->settings['operator_contact_url'], $utils->settings['operator_name']);
+ }
+ }
+ elseif ($user['status'] == 'unverified') {
// Send email for verification and show message to point to it.
$mail = new email();
if (!count($errors)) {
- if ($pagetype == 'verification_sent') {
+ if ($pagetype == 'human_check') {
+ $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('This is a new registration, please verify that you are a human by solving the calculation below.'));
+ $para->setAttribute('class', 'humancheckinfo');
+ $form = $body->appendForm('./', 'POST', 'humancheckform');
+ $form->setAttribute('id', 'humancheckform');
+ $ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
+ $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat humancheck');
+ $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
+ $litem->setAttribute('class', 'donotshow');
+ $inptxt = $litem->appendInputEmail('email', 30, 20, 'login_email', $user['email']);
+ $inptxt->setAttribute('autocomplete', 'email');
+ $inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Email'));
+ $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
+ $litem->appendText($user['hcheck_question'].' ');
+ $inptxt = $litem->appendInputText('hcheck_solution', 20, 10, 'hcheck_solution');
+ $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
+ $litem->appendInputHidden('tcode', $utils->createTimeCode($session));
+ $submit = $litem->appendInputSubmit(_('Continue Registration'));
+ $para = $form->appendElement('p');
+ $para->setAttribute('class', 'toplink small');
+ $link = $para->appendLink('./', _('Cancel'));
+ }
+ elseif ($pagetype == 'verification_sent') {
$para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('An email for confirmation has been sent to %s. Please follow the link provided there to complete the process.'), $user['email']));
$para->setAttribute('class', 'verifyinfo pending');
$para = $body->appendElement('p', _('Reload this page after you confirm to continue.'));