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+<h1>And the beast shall come forth...</h1>
+<h2>Community Project Organization and SeaMonkey 2</h2>
+<div class="simplebox">
+~20 min talk, 15-20 min discussion
+<div class="simplebox">
+Speaker: Robert Kaiser, "KaiRo" <kairo@kairo.at>
+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">The slides -
+ <a href="http://kairo.mozdev.org/slides/fosdem2008/">http://kairo.mozdev.org/slides/fosdem2008/</a></p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content small">
+<ul class="small">
+ <li>Created for
+ <a href="http://www.fosdem.org/2008/schedule/tracks/mozilla">Mozilla
+ Developer Room</a> at <a href="http://www.fosdem.org/">FOSDEM 2008</a> in
+ Brussels.</li>
+ <li>Written in HTML 4.01 Strict and CSS.</li>
+ <li>Best navigated with SeaMonkey's "Site Navigation Bar" (all pages
+ linked via [HTML 2.0] <link> tags)</li>
+ <li>For others: nav links on all slides, with accesskeys
+ (e.g. "n"/Alt+Shift+N for "next")</li>
+ <li><a href="toc.html">Table of Contents</a></li>
+ <li>© 02/2008 Robert Kaiser and The SeaMonkey Project</li>
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+<h1>Bug Bounties: Lessions Learned</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>I did a personal bug bounty program in 2007, pledging 2700 USD for work
+ on <a href="http://www.kairo.at/bugbounty/2007/">7 SeaMonkey bugs</a></li>
+ <li>4 <span class="hilite">top-paid items stay unfixed</span> after half a year, 3 simpler items done</li>
+ <li>Nice to get some money to help doing needed work</li>
+ <li>No substantial speeding up of high-bounty tasks</li>
+ <li>Mainly <span class="hilite">experienced developers</span> picking up tasks</li>
+ <li>Some feel <span class="hilite">uncomfortable</span> with selective payment of volunteers</li>
+ <li>Money is nice, but <span class="hilite">not the driving force</span> for getting stuff done</li>
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+<h1>Community Infrastructure</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Mozilla <span class="hilite">website</span> hosting</li>
+ <li>Mozilla hosts <span class="hilite">community tinderboxen</span></li>
+ <li>Maintained by project peer</li>
+ <li>Basically same system as used for Firefox</li>
+ <li>Sometimes <span class="hilite">older systems</span> (reference platforms, tinderbox vs. buildbot)</li>
+ <li>Limited <span class="hilite">number of machines</span> -> packing building, L10n, testing onto one machine</li>
+ <li>No dedicated machines for <span class="hilite">automated testing</span> (yet)</li>
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+<h1>Web Discrimination</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Days of "only works with MSIE 4+ or Netscape 4+" are mostly over</li>
+ <li>Nowadays it's "<span class="hilite">only works with MSIE 6+ or Firefox 1.5+</span>"</li>
+ <li>Most such sites work fine with Gecko itself, but not with non-FF UAs</li>
+ <li>This is <span class="hilite">not</span> about some obscure tech religious stuff</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Discriminating against clients</span>, limiting choice on the browser market</li>
+ <li>We'd like sites to Just Work with all standards based browsers</li>
+ <li>Need to work with mozilla.org on <span class="hilite">educating web developers</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Never completely shut out</span> unknown browsers</li>
+ <li>Maybe display warning page and let users continue</li>
+ <li>Idea: <span class="hilite">extension for FF, etc.</span> that warns people about discriminating sites</li>
+ <ul>
+ <li>Maybe doing <a href="http://wiki.mozilla.org/User:KaiRo:Dynamic_UA_Spoofing_Mechanism">transparent
+ but automatic UA-spoofing</a> as needed</li>
+ <li>Hooks for "tech evang" / <span class="hilite">anti-discrimination</span> activites</li>
+ <li>Would perfectly follow the <span class="hilite">Mozilla Manifesto</span> -
+ maybe something for Mozilla Labs?</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
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+<h1>Open Discussion</h1>
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+<p class="captionedbox-caption">Thanks for your attention</p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content">
+We should have some time for discussion now.
+ <li>Any open questions?</li>
+ <li>Any unmentioned issues?</li>
+ <li>Anyone wanting to help us?</li>
+ <li>Anything I forgot to mention?</li>
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+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Code <span class="hilite">development</span> (core/toolkit fixes, app backend, UI)</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Reviews!</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Testing</span> nightlies (and alphas/betas as available)</li>
+ <li>(End user) <span class="hilite">documentation</span> (esp. website)</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Support</span> (mozine? sumo?)</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Marketing</span> (spread the word!)</li>
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+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">Robert Kaiser, "KaiRo" <kairo@kairo.at></p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content">
+ <li>Member of the <a href="http://www.seamonkey-project.org/">SeaMonkey</a> project management team
+ ("<a href="http://www.seamonkey-project.org/about#council">SeaMonkey Council</a>"),
+ acting as project coodinator and build engineer</li>
+ <li>German SeaMonkey/Mozilla suite localizer
+ (<a href="http://www.seamonkey.at/">seamonkey.at</a>) since late 1999</li>
+ <li>SeaMonkey/Mozilla suite theme creator
+ (<a href="http://www.kairo.at/download/mozskins">EarlyBlue, LCARStrek</a>)</li>
+ <li>mozilla.org code contributor, mostly in UI, L10n and SeaMonkey areas</li>
+ <li>Founded his own one-man-business in 2006
+ ("<a href="http://www.kairo.at/">KaiRo.at</a> Robert Kaiser IT-Services"),
+ centered around his own php-based community system and SeaMonkey</li>
+ <li>Member of the Mozilla Executive Director Search Committee</li>
+ <li>Living in Steyr, Upper Austria, and attending Vienna University to
+ become a Chemistry and Physics teacher</li>
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+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Nightlies <span class="hilite">repackaged</span> to localized builds (make repackage-* in app/locales)</li>
+ <li>L10n files taken from mozilla.org/<span class="hilite">l10n CVS</span></li>
+ <li>Which locales are included is determined by <span class="hilite">all-locales</span> files</li>
+ <li>Opt-in for extensions like <span class="hilite">ChatZilla and venkman</span> via all-locales</li>
+ <li>Extension L10n done via <span class="hilite">langpacks</span>, dependent on the main extension</li>
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+<h1>Community Marketing</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>No marketing <span class="hilite">budget</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Word of mouth</span> is probably the major channel</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Website</span> needs to make a good impression
+ (seen <a href="http://www.seamonkey-project.org/">seamonkey-project.org</a> yet?)</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">T-shirts</span>, etc. are nice,
+ there are decent <a href="http://www.cafepress.com/SeaMonkeySuite">web shops</a>,
+ but intl shipping and customs are expensive</li>
+ <li>Logos and <span class="hilite">buttons</span> for spreading the word on websites</li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Press reviews</span> - small projects are lucky if some reporters like them</li>
+ <li>Don't underestimate the <span class="hilite">blogosphere</span> when targeting advanced web users</li>
+ <li>Try to reach your primary <span class="hilite">target audience(s)</span></li>
+ <li>As a browser, you easily lose users when websites don't work</li>
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+<h1>Mozilla Infrastructure</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li><a href="http://bugzilla.mozilla.org">bugzilla.mozilla.org</a> product/component structure problems -
+ <span class="hilite"><a href="http://www.gerv.net/temp/bmo-reorg.html">bmo reorg</a></span> needed ASAP!</li>
+ <li>Not certain yet how non-FF projects can/should deal with post-CVS <span class="hilite">mozilla2 world</span></li>
+ <ul>
+ <li><span class="hilite">One hg-repo-per-project</span> gets hard when you want
+ core+​editor+​mailnews+​suite-specifics+​calendar+​chatzilla+​...</li>
+ <li>Developers may need to <span class="hilite">relearn a whole toolchain</span>, including VCS, webtools, etc.</li>
+ <li>Mozilla2 still sounds as too much of a <span class="hilite">moving target</span> to even try adding stuff on top</li>
+ <li>How much <span class="hilite">rewriting</span> do our apps need? manually? automated?</li>
+ <li>SeaMonkey/Thunderbird/Sunbird <span class="hilite">not even at alpha</span> on 1.9 yet,
+ no free dev resources to look at even more experimental stuff atm</li>
+ </ul>
+ </li>
+ <li>We might need/want a <span class="hilite">1.9.1</span>, being 1.9 + selected toolkit fixes that couldn't make FF3
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+<h1>Code Porting Work</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Porting app-specific code for <span class="hilite">core/toolkit
+ changes</span> (or even xpfe->toolkit in our case)</li>
+ <li>Porting <span class="hilite">features from other apps</span> to own app
+ (e.g. Firefox->SeaMonkey)</li>
+ <li>Code reviews - different <span class="hilite">coding style</span></li>
+ <li>Sometimes need (slight) core/toolkit changes to get app work done</li>
+ <li>Hard to get r+ as toolkit reviewers are usually swamped and non-FF things are <span class="hilite">low priority</span></li>
+ <li>Slow reviews make forking more fun than improving core/toolkit</li>
+ <li>Too few implementations of <span class="hilite">nsIClonableDeveloper</span> (and no good documentation)</li>
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+<h1>SeaMonkey 2 preview</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Default <span class="hilite">theme</span> based on *stripe, new icon set (inspired by Modern)</li>
+ <li>New <span class="hilite">add-ons</span> management</li>
+ <li>Profile <span class="hilite">migration</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Feed</span> detection, new <span class="hilite">page info</span>,
+ browser <span class="hilite">notification bars</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Filter news</span> based on any header</li>
+ <li>Reorder newsgroups, link message references, etc.</li>
+ <li>"New old" <span class="hilite">preference window</span></li>
+ <li><span class="hilite">Gecko 1.9</span> (cairo-based, full zoom, acid2, etc.)</li>
+ <li>Mozilla <span class="hilite">toolkit</span> (!) 1.9 (not "old xpfe"!)</li>
+ <li>Automatic <span class="hilite">update</span> system</li>
+ <li>CVS-based "<span class="hilite">source L10n</span>", localized nightlies</li>
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+<h1>SeaMonkey 2 Preview, Ongoing Work</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li><span class="hilite">Undo closed tab</span> (if core patch can go in)</li>
+ <li>Sanitize / "<span class="hilite">clear private data</span>" (reviews pending)</li>
+ <li>Planned: reworked <span class="hilite">history</span> (places), <span class="hilite">password</span>
+ and <span class="hilite">download</span> manager backends</li>
+ <li>Planned: feed reader, feed preview, livemarks</li>
+ <li>Planned: toolbar <span class="hilite">customization</span> (currently blocked by toolkit review)</li>
+ <li>Targeted: support for <span class="hilite">Lightning</span> extension</li>
+ <li>(Almost) countless <span class="hilite">bugfixes</span> (ongoing)</li>
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+<h1>Driving a Volunteer Project</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Volunteers work on <span class="hilite">what they like</span> ("scratching their itches")</li>
+ <li>Can only do things as they have <span class="hilite">time</span></li>
+ <li>Project management can't force developer <span class="hilite">priorities</span></li>
+ <li>Constant <span class="hilite">poking</span> of people to get things done</li>
+ <li>No firm <span class="hilite">authority</span> for project management/coordination</li>
+ <li>Volunteers who can do the <span class="hilite">really hard things</span> are rare (see nsIClonableDeveloper!)</li>
--- /dev/null
+ * styles for talk slides *
+ * by Robert Kaiser *
+ * <kairo@kairo.at> *
+ * (for FOSDEM 2007) *
+ **************************/
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\ No newline at end of file
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+<h1>Table of Contents</h1>
+<h2>And the beast shall come forth...</h2>
+<h3>Community Project Organization and SeaMonkey 2</h3>
+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">The following slides can be found in this presentation:</p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content">
+ <li><a href="index.html">Start Page</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_introduction.html">Introduction</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_porting.html">Code Porting Work</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_volunteer.html">Driving a Volunteer Project</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_bugbounty.html">Bug Bounties: Lessions Learned</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_marketing.html">Community Marketing</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_discrimination.html">Web Discrimination</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_comm_infra.html">Community Infrastructure</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_moz_infra.html">Mozilla Infrastructure</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_l10n.html">Localization</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_helpwanted.html">helpwanted</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_seamonkey2.html">SeaMonkey 2 Preview</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_seamonkey2_ongoing.html">SeaMonkey 2 Preview, Ongoing Work</a></li>
+ <li><a href="slide_end.html">Open Discussion</a></li>