* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
* You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
-// Simple server based on https://bshaffer.github.io/oauth2-server-php-docs/cookbook
+// Called e.g. as /authorize?response_type=code&client_id=testclient&state=f00bar&scope=email&redirect_uri=http%3A%2F%2Ffake.example.com%2F
+// This either redirects to the redirect URL with errors or success added as GET parameters,
+// or sends a HTML page asking for login / permission to scope (email is always granted in this system but not always for OAuth2 generically)
+// or sends errors as a JSOn document (hopefully shouldn't but seen that in testing).
// Include the common auth system files (including the OAuth2 Server object).
+$errors = $utils->checkForSecureConnection();
$request = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals();
$response = new OAuth2\Response();
-// validate the authorize request
+// Validate the authorize request.
if (!$server->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $response)) {
- $response->send();
- die;
+ $response->send();
+ exit();
-// display an authorization form
+// Display an authorization form.
if (empty($_POST)) {
- exit('
-<form method="post">
- <label>Do You Authorize TestClient?</label><br />
- <input type="submit" name="authorized" value="yes">
- <input type="submit" name="authorized" value="no">
+ // Start HTML document as a DOM object.
+ extract(ExtendedDocument::initHTML5()); // sets $document, $html, $head, $title, $body
+ $document->formatOutput = true; // we want a nice output
+ $style = $head->appendElement('link');
+ $style->setAttribute('rel', 'stylesheet');
+ $style->setAttribute('href', 'authsystem.css');
+ $head->appendJSFile('authsystem.js');
+ $title->appendText('Authorization Request | KaiRo.at');
+ $h1 = $body->appendElement('h1', 'KaiRo.at Authentication Server');
+ $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('This login system does not work without JavaScript. Please activate JavaScript for this site to log in.'));
+ $para->setAttribute('id', 'jswarning');
+ $para->setAttribute('class', 'warn');
+ $form = $body->appendForm('', 'POST', 'authform');
+ $form->setAttribute('id', 'authform');
+ $form->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('Do you authorize %s to access %s?'), $request->query['client_id'], $request->query['scope']));
+ $submit = $form->appendInputSubmit(_('yes'));
+ $submit->setAttribute('name', 'authorized');
+ $form->appendText(' ');
+ $submit = $form->appendInputSubmit(_('no'));
+ $submit->setAttribute('name', 'authorized');
+ // Send HTML to client.
+ print($document->saveHTML());
+ exit();
-// print the authorization code if the user has authorized your client
+// Handle authorize request, forwarding code in GET parameters if the user has authorized your client.
$is_authorized = ($_POST['authorized'] === 'yes');
$server->handleAuthorizeRequest($request, $response, $is_authorized);
+/* For testing only
if ($is_authorized) {
// this is only here so that you get to see your code in the cURL request. Otherwise, we'd redirect back to the client
$code = substr($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), strpos($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), 'code=')+5, 40);
exit("SUCCESS! Authorization Code: $code");
// public $db
// A PDO database object for interaction.
+ // public $running_on_localhost
+ // A boolean telling if the system is running on localhost (where https is not required).
+ //
// private $pwd_cost
// The cost parameter for use with PHP password_hash function.
// function log($code, $additional_info)
// Log an entry for admin purposes, with a code and some additional info.
+ // function checkForSecureConnection()
+ // Check is the connection is secure and return an array of error messages (empty if it's secure).
+ //
// function checkPasswordConstraints($new_password, $user_email)
// Check password constraints and return an array of error messages (empty if all constraints are met).
function __construct($settings, $db) {
// *** constructor ***
$this->db = $db;
+ $this->running_on_localhost = preg_match('/^((.+\.)?localhost|127\.0\.0\.\d+)$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
if (array_key_exists('pwd_cost', $settings)) {
$this->pwd_cost = $settings['pwd_cost'];
public $db = null;
+ public $running_on_localhost = false;
private $pwd_cost = 10;
private $pwd_nonces = array();
+ function checkForSecureConnection() {
+ $errors = array();
+ if (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) && !$this->running_on_localhost) {
+ $errors[] = _('You are not accessing this site on a secure connection, so authentication doesn\'t work.');
+ }
+ return $errors;
+ }
function checkPasswordConstraints($new_password, $user_email) {
$errors = array();
if ($new_password != trim($new_password)) {
$title->appendText('KaiRo.at Authentication Server');
$h1 = $body->appendElement('h1', 'KaiRo.at Authentication Server');
-$running_on_localhost = preg_match('/^((.+\.)?localhost|127\.0\.0\.\d+)$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']);
-if (($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] != 443) && !$running_on_localhost) {
- $errors[] = _('You are not accessing this site on a secure connection, so authentication doesn\'t work.');
+$errors += $utils->checkForSecureConnection();
$para = $body->appendElement('p', _('This login system does not work without JavaScript. Please activate JavaScript for this site to log in.'));
$para->setAttribute('id', 'jswarning');
// Log user in - update session key for that, see https://wiki.mozilla.org/WebAppSec/Secure_Coding_Guidelines#Login
$utils->log('login', 'user: '.$user['id']);
$sesskey = $utils->createSessionKey();
- setcookie('sessionkey', $sesskey, 0, "", "", !$running_on_localhost, true); // Last two params are secure and httponly, secure is not set on localhost.
+ setcookie('sessionkey', $sesskey, 0, "", "", !$utils->running_on_localhost, true); // Last two params are secure and httponly, secure is not set on localhost.
// If the session has a user set, create a new one - otherwise take existing session entry.
if (intval($session['user'])) {
$result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_sessions` (`sesskey`, `time_expire`, `user`, `logged_in`) VALUES (:sesskey, :expire, :userid, TRUE);');
$mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('This email address, %s, has been used for registration on "%s".'),
$user['email'], _('KaiRo.at Authentication Service'))."\n\n");
$mail->addMailText(_('Please confirm that registration by clicking the following link (or calling it up in your browser):')."\n");
- $mail->addMailText(($running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
+ $mail->addMailText(($utils->running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
$mail->addMailText(_('With this confirmation, you accept that we handle your data for the purpose of logging you into other websites when you request that.')."\n");
$mail->addMailText(_('Those websites will get to know your email address but not your password, which we store securely.')."\n");
$mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('A request for setting a new password for this email address, %s, has been submitted on "%s".'),
$user['email'], _('KaiRo.at Authentication Service'))."\n\n");
$mail->addMailText(_('You can set a new password by clicking the following link (or calling it up in your browser):')."\n");
- $mail->addMailText(($running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
+ $mail->addMailText(($utils->running_on_localhost?'http':'https').'://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strstr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?', true)
$mail->addMailText(_('If you do not call this confirmation link within 1 hour, this link expires and the existing password is being kept in place.')."\n\n");
$mail->addMailText(sprintf(_('The %s team'), 'KaiRo.at'));
if (is_null($session)) {
// Create new session and set cookie.
$sesskey = $utils->createSessionKey();
- setcookie('sessionkey', $sesskey, 0, "", "", !$running_on_localhost, true); // Last two params are secure and httponly, secure is not set on localhost.
+ setcookie('sessionkey', $sesskey, 0, "", "", !$utils->running_on_localhost, true); // Last two params are secure and httponly, secure is not set on localhost.
$result = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO `auth_sessions` (`sesskey`, `time_expire`) VALUES (:sesskey, :expire);');
$result->execute(array(':sesskey' => $sesskey, ':expire' => gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('+5 minutes'))));
// After insert, actually fetch the session row from the DB so we have all values.
elseif ($pagetype == 'resetstart') {
$para = $body->appendElement('p', _('If you forgot your password or didn\'t receive the registration confirmation, please enter your email here.'));
$para->setAttribute('class', '');
- $form = $body->appendForm('?reset', 'POST', 'resetform');
+ $form = $body->appendForm('./?reset', 'POST', 'resetform');
$form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
$form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
$ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
elseif ($pagetype == 'resetpwd') {
$para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('You can set a new password for %s here.'), $user['email']));
$para->setAttribute('class', '');
- $form = $body->appendForm('?', 'POST', 'newpwdform');
+ $form = $body->appendForm('./', 'POST', 'newpwdform');
$form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
$form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
$ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
$ulist = $div->appendElement('ul');
$ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat');
$litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
- $link = $litem->appendLink('?logout', _('Log out'));
+ $link = $litem->appendLink('./?logout', _('Log out'));
$litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
- $litem->appendLink('?reset', _('Set new password'));
+ $litem->appendLink('./?reset', _('Set new password'));
else { // not logged in
if ($pagetype == 'verification_done') {
$para = $body->appendElement('p', _('Your password has successfully been reset. You can log in now with the new password.'));
$para->setAttribute('class', 'resetinfo done');
- $form = $body->appendForm('?', 'POST', 'loginform');
+ $form = $body->appendForm('./', 'POST', 'loginform');
$form->setAttribute('id', 'loginform');
$form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea hidden');
$ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
$inptxt->setAttribute('placeholder', _('Password'));
$inptxt->setAttribute('class', 'login');
$litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
- $litem->appendLink('?reset', _('Forgot password?'));
+ $litem->appendLink('./?reset', _('Forgot password?'));
$litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
$cbox = $litem->appendInputCheckbox('remember', 'login_remember', 'true', false);
$cbox->setAttribute('class', 'logincheck');