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+<header id="header"><div id="header-text">CSI:Mozilla</div>
+ <a id="headerlogo" href="#index" title="Startseite">Mozilla Firefox</a>
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+<article id="toc" title="Table of Contents">
+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">Folgende Folien sind in dieser Präsentation enthalten:</p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content">
+<ul id="toc-list">
+<article id="index" title="Startseite">
+<h1>CSI:Mozilla - Den Bugs auf der Spur</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+<mark><a href="http://home.kairo.at/">Robert Kaiser</a></mark>,
+"KaiRo" <kairo@kairo.at>
+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">Slides:
+ <a href="http://kairo.mozdev.org/slides/linuxwochen2011/">http://kairo.mozdev.org/slides/linuxwochen2011/</a></p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content small">
+<ul class="small">
+ <li>Erstellt für einen Vortrag auf den
+ <a href="http://www.linuxwochen.at/">Linuxwochen 2011</a> in
+ Wien.</li>
+ <li>Geschrieben in HTML 5 mit CSS 3 und JavaScript.</li>
+ <li>Navigation mit Links auf allen Folien, mit Accesskeys
+ (e.g. "n"/Alt+Shift+N for "next") oder vor/zurück-Pfeilasten</li>
+ <li><a href="#toc">Inhalt</a></li>
+ <li><a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/at/"><img
+ alt="Licensed under CC-BY-SA," style="border-width:0;vertical-align:bottom;"
+ src="cc-by-sa-80x15.png" /></a> 05/2011 Robert Kaiser</li>
+<article id="mozilla" title="Was ist Mozilla?">
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li><mark>Gemeinnützige</mark> Stiftung</li>
+ <li>Innovation, Offenheit und Auswahl im Web</li>
+ <li>Firefox, Thunderbird, Drumbeat, Bugzilla, SeaMonkey, XULRunner, ...</li>
+ <li>Riesige Community</li>
+<article id="ff4-overview" title="Firefox 4: Überblick">
+<h1>Firefox 4</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>März 2011 - auch für Android und N900!</li>
+ <li>Große Anzahl an Neuerungen</li>
+ <li>Manche Funktionen fast 1 Jahr vorher fertig</li>
+ <li>Letztes "großes" Release</li>
+ <li>In Zukunft schnelle, kleine Schritte</li>
+<article id="ff4-features" title="Firefox 4: Funktionen">
+<h1>Firefox 4: Funktionen</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Neue einfachere Oberfläche (anpassbar!)</li>
+ <li>Neue Web-Funktionen -
+ <a href="http://webofwonder.org/">webofwonder.org</a> - WebGL, WebM,
+ Audio-API, CSS-Transformationen, IndexedDB, ...</li>
+ <li>Performance (Start und Ausführung, Hardwarebeschleunigung)</li>
+ <li>DNT, Sync, App-Tabs, Panorama, ...</li>
+ <li>Neustart-freie Add-Ons</li>
+<article id="new-process" title="Neuer Release-Prozess">
+<h1>Neuer Prozess</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Kleine, schnelle Schritte, Versionsnummern immer weniger wichtig</li>
+ <li>Neuer "Zug" alle 6 Wochen</li>
+ <li>Nightly / Aurora / Beta / Release</li>
+ <li>Derzeit 5 in Aurora, 6 in Nightly - 17./24. Mai: 5->Beta, 6->Aurora, 7->Nightly</li>
+ <li>Automatische Updates</li>
+<div class="cent topmargin">
+<img src="nightly-aurora-beta.jpg" alt="Logos: Nightly, Aurora, Beta/Firefox">
+<article id="ff5" title="Firefox 5">
+<h1>Firefox 5</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li><mark>Juni 2011</mark> (!)</li>
+ <li>Derzeit "Aurora"</li>
+ <li>Performance (Verbindungen, Seiten-Ausführung)</li>
+ <li>CSS-Animationen, überarbeitete Rechtschreibprüfung, ...</li>
+ <li><a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Features/Release_Tracking#Firefox_5"
+ >https://wiki.mozilla.org/Features/Release_Tracking#Firefox_5</a></li>
+<article id="ff6" title="Firefox 6">
+<h1>Firefox 6</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li><mark>August 2011</mark></li>
+ <li>Derzeit "Nightly"</li>
+ <li>"Scratchpad" ("Schmierzettel"?), Firefox Share (F1)?</li>
+ <li>Ab 24. Mai "Aurora" - was nicht korrekt funktioniert, wird gestrichen
+ und kommt später</li>
+<article id="ff7plus" title="Firefox 7+">
+<h1>Firefox 7+</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Websockets, <a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Identity">"Firefox
+ Identity"</a>, usw.</li>
+ <li><a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Platform/Features/IonMonkey">"IonMonkey"</a>
+ (Noch schelleres JavaScript)</li>
+ <li><a href="http://blog.mozilla.com/joe/2011/04/26/introducing-the-azure-project/">"Azure"</a>
+ (Besser beschleunigte Grafikfunktionen)</li>
+ <li><a href="https://wiki.mozilla.org/Electrolysis">"Electrolysis"</a> (Prozesstrennung),
+ usw.</li>
+ <li>Auslieferung 12-18 Wochen nach Fertigstellung der Funktionen</li>
+<article id="csi-mozilla" title="CSI:Mozilla">
+<div class="simplebox cent">
+ <li>"CrashKill"-Team</li>
+ <li>"Autopsieberichte und Spurensicherung" von "toten" Firefox-Prozessen</li>
+ <li>Finden von größeren Serien"fällen"</li>
+ <li>Analyse von Zusammenhängen</li>
+ <li>Zuständige Entwickler (intern/extern) zur Lösung bewegen</li>
+<article id="crash" title="Was ist ein Absturz?">
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Ungültiger Aufruf -> unsauberes Beenden von Prozessen</li>
+ <li>Nicht antwortendes Plugin ("Hang")</li>
+ <li>Absturzmelder sammelt Daten ("Spurensicherung", "Autopsie")</li>
+ <li>An Mozilla übermittelt, ev. mit Kommentar</li>
+ <li>Dort aufbereitet, analysiert</li>
+<article id="reported-data" title="Daten im Bericht">
+<h1>Daten in Absturzberichten</h1>
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Produkt, Version, Build ID, System, Channel, ...</li>
+ <li>Aufrufe im Stack ("Autopsie")</li>
+ <li>Geladene Module, Erweiterungen, Kommentar, ... ("Spurensicherung")</li>
+<article id="csi-overview" title="Überblick">
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Verwandte Abstürze -> "Signatur"</li>
+ <li>"Topcrashers"</li>
+ <li>Signifikante Anstiege</li>
+ <li>Korrelationen</li>
+<article id="demo" title="Demo">
+<div class="simplebox">
+ <li>Absturz</li>
+ <li>Firefox-Funktionen</li>
+<article id="end" title="Aktiv werden">
+<h1>Aktiv werden</h1>
+<div class="captionedbox">
+<p class="captionedbox-caption">Danke für die Aufmerksamkeit!</p>
+<div class="captionedbox-content">
+Jetzt ist es an der Zeit, selbst aktiv zu werden:
+ <li><mark>Firefox 4</mark> installieren, wo möglich!</li>
+ <li><mark>Aurora</mark> testen! <a href="http://www.firefox.com/channel">www.firefox.com/channel</a></li>
+ <li><mark>Absturzmeldungen</mark> senden!</li>
+ <li>Mozilla <mark>unterstützen</mark>!</li>
--- /dev/null
+// site branding
+// serve it as it is
--- /dev/null
+ * styles for talk slides *
+ * by Robert Kaiser *
+ * <kairo@kairo.at> *
+ * (for Linuxwochen 2009) *
+ **************************/
+/***** base style *****/
+html {
+ overflow: hidden; /* to make translations not paint scrollbars */
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+ margin: 0px;
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+/***** boxes *****/
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+/***** misc formatting *****/
+mark {
+ font-weight: bold;
+ color: #FF6600;
+ background-color: transparent;
+ text-shadow: #AAAA80 2px 2px 3px;
+.border {
+ border: 1px solid #6d7581;
+ padding: 0.5em;
+ul > li {
+ margin: 0.5em 0;
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+ text-align: center;
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+ margin-top: 0.5em;
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+mark a:link, mark a:visited { color: #FF6600; }
+mark a:hover, mark a:active { color: #FF6600; }
+/***** small stuff *****/
+.small {
+ font-size: 0.75em;
+.small ul {
+ padding: 0px;
+ border: 0px;
+ margin: 0px 0px 0px 1em;
+ul.small > li
+.small ul > li {
+ margin: 0px;
+ padding: 0px;
+ border: 0px;
+/***** specific slides *****/
--- /dev/null
+ * JavaScript for talk slides *
+ * by Robert Kaiser *
+ * <kairo@kairo.at> *
+ * (for FOSDEM 2011) *
+ ******************************/
+var slides = {};
+var articleNodes;
+var currentSlide;
+var currentIdx;
+var defaultIdx = 1; // set to slide index to show by default
+var firstIdx = 2; // set no value if to use first available
+var lastIdx; // set no value if to use first available
+var pageTitle, headerText, subHeaderText;
+var navPrev, navNext, navPrevNolink, navNextNolink;
+// Called when the document has been loaded.
+function docLoaded() {
+ pageTitle = document.getElementsByTagName("title")[0];
+ headerText = document.getElementById("header-text");
+ subHeaderText = document.getElementById("subheader-text");
+ navPrev = document.getElementById("nav-prev");
+ navNext = document.getElementById("nav-next");
+ navPrevNolink = document.getElementById("nav-prev-nolink");
+ navNextNolink = document.getElementById("nav-next-nolink");
+ articleNodes = document.getElementsByTagName("article");
+ if (!firstIdx)
+ firstIdx = 0;
+ if (!lastIdx)
+ lastIdx = articleNodes.length - 1;
+ // Get a list of all slides (articles).
+ subHeaderText.textContent = articleNodes.length + " slides...";
+ for (var i = 0; i < articleNodes.length; ++i) {
+ subHeaderText.textContent = "Indexing slide " + i + " / " + articleNodes.length;
+ if (!articleNodes[i].id)
+ articleNodes[i].id = "slide_" + i;
+ slides[articleNodes[i].id] =
+ {"idx": i,
+ "name": articleNodes[i].id,
+ "title": articleNodes[i].title ? articleNodes[i].title : articleNodes[i].id,
+ "obj": articleNodes[i]};
+ if (location.hash.length &&
+ (location.hash == "#" + articleNodes[i].id || location.hash == "#" + i)) {
+ articleNodes[i].setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
+ currentSlide = slides[articleNodes[i].id];
+ currentIdx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!currentSlide) {
+ currentIdx = defaultIdx;
+ currentSlide = slides[articleNodes[currentIdx].id];
+ currentSlide.obj.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
+ location.hash = "#" + currentSlide.name;
+ }
+ updateDisplay();
+// Called when the hash part of the location changes.
+function locationHashChanged() {
+ if (location.hash.length > 1) {
+ var hashtag = location.hash.substring(1);
+ // If not a number, treat as ID
+ if (isNaN(hashtag) && slides[hashtag]) {
+ currentSlide.obj.removeAttribute("aria-selected");
+ currentSlide = slides[hashtag];
+ currentIdx = currentSlide.idx;
+ currentSlide.obj.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
+ updateDisplay();
+ }
+ else if (articleNodes[hashtag]) {
+ currentSlide.obj.removeAttribute("aria-selected");
+ currentIdx = hashtag;
+ currentSlide = slides[articleNodes[currentIdx].id];
+ currentSlide.obj.setAttribute("aria-selected", "true");
+ updateDisplay();
+ }
+ }
+window.onhashchange = locationHashChanged;
+// Update the display after we updated what slide is shown.
+function updateDisplay() {
+ if (currentIdx >= firstIdx && currentIdx <= lastIdx &&
+ currentSlide.name != "toc")
+ subHeaderText.textContent = (currentIdx - firstIdx + 1) + "/" +
+ (lastIdx - firstIdx + 1) + " - " +
+ currentSlide.title;
+ else
+ subHeaderText.textContent = currentSlide.title;
+ pageTitle.textContent = headerText.textContent + ": " + currentSlide.title;
+ if (currentIdx > firstIdx && currentSlide.name != "toc") {
+ navPrev.hidden = false;
+ navPrev.href = "#" + articleNodes[currentIdx - 1].id;
+ navPrevNolink.hidden = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ navPrev.hidden = true;
+ navPrevNolink.hidden = false;
+ }
+ if (currentIdx < lastIdx && currentSlide.name != "toc") {
+ navNext.hidden = false;
+ navNext.href = "#" + articleNodes[currentIdx + 1].id;
+ navNextNolink.hidden = true;
+ }
+ else {
+ navNext.hidden = true;
+ navNextNolink.hidden = false;
+ }
+ headerText.className = "";
+ slide_start = new Date();
+ if (currentSlide.name == "toc")
+ createTOC();
+ else
+ setTimeout("timerFired()", 1000*(slide_seconds/3));
+// Create TOC list.
+function createTOC() {
+ var list = document.getElementById("toc-list");
+ if (!list.getElementsByTagName("li").length) {
+ for (var slide in slides) {
+ if (slide != "toc") {
+ var item = document.createElement("li");
+ var link = document.createElement("a");
+ var slideHeaders = slides[slide].obj.getElementsByTagName("h1");
+ if (slideHeaders.length)
+ link.textContent = slideHeaders[0].textContent;
+ else
+ link.textContent = slides[slide].title;
+ link.href = "#" + slides[slide].name;
+ item.appendChild(link);
+ list.appendChild(item);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// Do timed color variation on slides.
+var slide_seconds = 3*60;
+var slide_start = new Date();
+function timerFired() {
+ var slide_current = new Date();
+ var seconds_diff = Math.round((slide_current.getTime() - slide_start.getTime()) / 1000);
+ if (seconds_diff >= slide_seconds) {
+ headerText.className = "overtime";
+ }
+ else if (seconds_diff >= Math.round(2*slide_seconds/3)) {
+ headerText.className = "ontime";
+ setTimeout("timerFired()", 1000*(slide_seconds/3));
+ }
+ else if (seconds_diff >= Math.round(slide_seconds/3)) {
+ headerText.className = "neartime";
+ setTimeout("timerFired()", 1000*(slide_seconds/3));
+ }
+ else {
+ // We should never come here, but if we do, go into a 1s loop until we get over the upcoming step.
+ setTimeout("timerFired()", 1000);
+ }
+setTimeout("timerFired()", 1000*(slide_seconds/3));
+// Keyboard/click nav functionality, mostly inherited from FOSDEM 2007.
+(function() {
+ function go(where) {
+ where = where || "next";
+ var navElem = document.getElementById("nav-" + where);
+ if (!navElem.hidden)
+ window.location.href = navElem.href;
+ }
+ function handleClick(e) {
+ e = e || event;
+ var target = (window.event) ? e.srcElement : e.target;
+ if (e.which == 1 && target.nodeName != "A" && target.nodeName != "VIDEO")
+ go("next");
+ }
+ function handleKeyPress(e) {
+ e = e || event;
+ switch (e.keyCode) {
+ case e.DOM_VK_LEFT:
+ go("prev"); break;
+ case e.DOM_VK_RIGHT:
+ go("next"); break;
+ }
+ }
+ window.onclick = handleClick;
+ window.onkeypress = handleKeyPress;