// set definitions based on given configuration
// [intended for internal use, called by the constructor]
+ // function rrd_version() {
+ // get RRDtool version string
+ //
// function create()
// create RRD file according to set config
$this->config_all = $complete_conf;
+ function rrd_version() {
+ // return RRDtool version
+ static $version;
+ if (!isset($version)) {
+ $create_cmd = 'rrdtool --version';
+ $return = `$create_cmd 2>&1`;
+ if (strpos($return, 'ERROR') !== false) {
+ trigger_error($this->rrd_file.' - rrd version error: '.$return, E_USER_WARNING);
+ }
+ if (preg_match('/^\s*RRDtool ([\d\.]+)\s+/', $return, $regs)) {
+ $version = $regs[1];
+ }
+ else {
+ $version = '0.0';
+ }
+ }
+ return $version;
+ }
function create() {
// create RRD file
$srow['sType'] = isset($crow['sType'])?$crow['sType']:'COMMENT';
if ($grow['sType'] != 'COMMENT') {
// XXX: use line below and remove cf var once we have rrdtol 1.2
- // $srow['name'] = $crow['name'].(isset($crow['cf'])?'_'.$crow['cf']:'');
- $srow['name'] = $crow['name'];
- $srow['cf'] = isset($crow['cf'])?$crow['cf']:'AVERAGE';
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ $srow['name'] = $crow['name'].(isset($crow['cf'])?'_'.$crow['cf']:'');
+ }
+ else {
+ $srow['name'] = $crow['name'];
+ $srow['cf'] = isset($crow['cf'])?$crow['cf']:'AVERAGE';
+ }
if (isset($crow['cf'])) {
- // XXX: use line below once we have rrdtol 1.2
- // $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$srow['name'].'_'.$crow['cf'], 'rpn_expr'=>$srow['name'].','.$crow['cf']);
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$srow['name'].'_'.$crow['cf'], 'rpn_expr'=>$srow['name'].','.$crow['cf']);
+ }
elseif (isset($crow['rpn_expr'])) {
- // XXX: does only work with rrdtool 1.2
- $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$srow['name'], 'rpn_expr'=>$crow['rpn_expr']);
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$srow['name'], 'rpn_expr'=>$crow['rpn_expr']);
+ }
$srow['text'] = isset($crow['text'])?$crow['text']:'';
foreach ($graphrows as $grow) {
if (isset($grow['gType']) && strlen($grow['gType'])) {
$textprefix = isset($grow['desc'])?$grow['desc']:(isset($grow['legend'])?$grow['legend']:$grow['name']);
- // XXX: use lines below once we have rrdtol 1.2
- // $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_last', 'rpn_expr'=>$grow['name'].',LAST');
- // $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_last', 'text'=>'%3.2lf%s');
- $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'MAX', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Maximum').'|%.2lf%s');
- $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'AVERAGE', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Average').'|%.2lf%s');
- $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'LAST', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Current').'|%.2lf%s');
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_max', 'rpn_expr'=>$grow['name'].',MAXIMUM');
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_max', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Maximum').'|%.2lf%s');
+ $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_avg', 'rpn_expr'=>$grow['name'].',AVERAGE');
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_avg', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Average').'|%.2lf%s');
+ $graphrows[] = array('dType'=>'VDEF', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_last', 'rpn_expr'=>$grow['name'].',LAST');
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'].'_last', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Current').'|%.2lf%s');
+ }
+ else {
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'MAX', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Maximum').'|%.2lf%s');
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'AVERAGE', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Average').'|%.2lf%s');
+ $specialrows[] = array('sType'=>'PRINT', 'name'=>$grow['name'], 'cf'=>'LAST', 'text'=>$textprefix.'|'.dgettext($td, 'Current').'|%.2lf%s');
+ }
if (isset($grow['gType']) && strlen($grow['gType'])) {
// XXX: change from STACK type to STACK flag once we have rrdtool 1.2
- if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $grow['gType'] = 'STACK'; }
+ if ($this->rrd_version() < '1.2') {
+ // rrdtool 1.0 only know STACK type
+ if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $grow['gType'] = 'STACK'; }
+ }
$gGraphs .= ' '.$grow['gType'].':'.$grow['name'].$grow['color'];
if (isset($grow['legend'])) { $gGraphs .= ':'.$this->text_quote($grow['legend']); }
- // XXX: remove above STACK if-command and uncomment the one below once we have rrdtool 1.2
- //if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $gGraphs .= ':STACK'; }
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ // rrdtool 1.2 and above have STACK flag
+ if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $gGraphs .= ':STACK'; }
+ }
foreach ($specialrows as $srow) {
$addSpecial .= ' '.$srow['sType'];
- // XXX: eliminate cf once we have rrdtool 1.2
- // $addSpecial .= ($grow['sType']!='COMMENT')?':'.$grow['name']:'');
- $addSpecial .= (($srow['sType']!='COMMENT')?':'.$srow['name'].':'.$srow['cf']:'');
+ if ($this->rrd_version() >= '1.2') {
+ $addSpecial .= (($srow['sType']!='COMMENT')?':'.$srow['name']:'');
+ }
+ else {
+ $addSpecial .= (($srow['sType']!='COMMENT')?':'.$srow['name'].':'.$srow['cf']:'');
+ }
$addSpecial .= ':'.$this->text_quote($srow['text']);
if (strpos($return, 'ERROR') !== false) {
trigger_error($this->rrd_file.' - rrd graph error: '.$return, E_USER_WARNING);
- $return = $graph_cmd."\n\n".$return;
+ $return = 'command:'.$graph_cmd."\n\n".$return;
+ }
+ if (0) {
+ // debug output
+ $return = 'command:'.$graph_cmd."\n\n".$return;
$legendlines = '';
foreach ($graphrows as $grow) {
// create a RRD graph and return meta info as a ready-to-use array
$gmeta = array('filename'=>null,'legends_long'=>false,'default_colorize'=>false);
$ret = $this->graph($timeframe, $sub, $extra);
- if (strpos($ret, "\n\n") !== false) { $gmeta['graph_cmd'] = substr($ret, 0, strpos($ret, "\n\n")); $ret = substr($ret, strpos($ret, "\n\n")+2); }
- else { $gmeta['graph_cmd'] = null; }
+ if (0) {
+ // debug output
+ $gmeta['ret'] = $ret;
+ }
+// if (preg_match('/\ncommand:(.*?)\n\n/', $ret, $regs)) { $gmeta['graph_cmd'] = $regs[1]; $ret = str_replace($regs[0], "\n",$ret); }
+// else { $gmeta['graph_cmd'] = null; }
$grout = explode("\n", $ret);
foreach ($grout as $gline) {
- if (preg_match('/^file:(.+)$/', $gline, $regs)) {
+ if (preg_match('/^command:(.+)$/', $gline, $regs)) {
+ $gmeta['graph_cmd'] = $regs[1];
+ }
+ elseif (preg_match('/^file:(.+)$/', $gline, $regs)) {
$gmeta['filename'] = $regs[1];
elseif (preg_match('/^legend:([^\|]+)\|([^|]*)\|([^\|]*)\|(.*)$/', $gline, $regs)) {
$td = $this->mod_textdomain;
$ptitle = isset($pconf['title_page'])?$pconf['title_page']:dgettext($td, 'RRD statistics index');
- $out = '<html><head>';
- $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>';
- $out .= '<style>';
+ $out = '<html><head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style_base'])) { $out .= $pconf['style_base']; }
else {
- $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }';
- $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
- $out .= 'li.scanfile { font-style: italic; }';
+ $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }'."\n";
+ $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'li.scanfile { font-style: italic; }'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style'])) { $out .= $pconf['style']; }
- $out .= '</style>';
- $out .= '</head>';
- $out .= '<body>';
+ $out .= '</style>'."\n";
+ $out .= '</head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<body>'."\n";
- $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>';
+ $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['text_intro']) && strlen($pconf['text_intro'])) {
- $out .= '<p class="intro">'.$pconf['text_intro'].'</p>';
+ $out .= '<p class="intro">'.$pconf['text_intro'].'</p>'."\n";
elseif (!isset($pconf['text_intro'])) {
- $out .= '<p class="intro">'.dgettext($td, 'The following RRD stats are available:').'</p>';
+ $out .= '<p class="intro">'.dgettext($td, 'The following RRD stats are available:').'</p>'."\n";
$stats = $this->h_page_statsArray($pconf);
if (isset($pconf['stats_url_add'])) { $sURL_add = $pconf['stats_url_add']; }
else { $sURL_add = '&sub=%s'; }
- $out .= '<ul class="indexlist">';
+ $out .= '<ul class="indexlist">'."\n";
foreach ($stats as $stat) {
$out .= '<li'.(isset($stat['class'])?' class="'.$stat['class'].'"':'').'>';
$sURL = str_replace('%i', $stat['name'], $sURL_base);
$out .= ' <span="subs">('.implode(', ', $sprt).')</span>';
- $out .= '</li>';
+ $out .= '</li>'."\n";
- $out .= '</ul>';
+ $out .= '</ul>'."\n";
$out .= $this->h_page_footer();
- $out .= '</body></html>';
+ $out .= '</body></html>'."\n";
return $out;
$td = $this->mod_textdomain;
$ptitle = isset($pconf['title_page'])?$pconf['title_page']:dgettext($td, 'RRD statistics overview');
- $out = '<html><head>';
- $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>';
- $out .= '<style>';
+ $out = '<html><head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style_base'])) { $out .= $pconf['style_base']; }
else {
- $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }';
- $out .= 'h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
- $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
- $out .= 'img.rrdgraph { border: none; }';
+ $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'img.rrdgraph { border: none; }'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style'])) { $out .= $pconf['style']; }
- $out .= '</style>';
- $out .= '</head>';
- $out .= '<body>';
+ $out .= '</style>'."\n";
+ $out .= '</head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<body>'."\n";
- $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>';
+ $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['text_intro']) && strlen($pconf['text_intro'])) { $out .= '<p class="intro">'.$pconf['text_intro'].'</p>'; }
$stats = $this->h_page_statsArray($pconf);
$num_rows = is_numeric($pconf['num_rows'])?$pconf['num_rows']:2;
$num_cols = ceil(count($stats)/$num_rows);
- $out .= '<table class="overview">';
+ $out .= '<table class="overview">'."\n";
for ($col = 0; $col < $num_cols; $col++) {
- $out .= '<tr>';
+ $out .= '<tr>'."\n";
for ($row = 0; $row < $num_rows; $row++) {
$idx = $col * $num_rows + $row;
- $out .= '<td>';
+ $out .= '<td>'."\n";
if ($idx < count($stats)) {
@list($sname, $s_psub) = explode('|', $stats[$idx]['name'], 2);
$s_psname = 'page'.(isset($s_psub)?'.'.$s_psub:'');
$s_ptitle = isset($s_psub)?sprintf(dgettext($td, '%s (%s) statistics'), $sname, $s_psub):sprintf(dgettext($td, '%s statistics'), $sname);
if (!isset($pconf['hide_titles']) || !$pconf['hide_titles']) {
- $out .= '<h2>'.$s_ptitle.'</h2>';
+ $out .= '<h2>'.$s_ptitle.'</h2>'."\n";
$s_rrd = new rrdstat($this->config_all, $sname);
$out .= '<img src="'.$gURL.'"';
$out .= ' alt="'.$s_rrd->basename.(!is_null($g_sub)?' - '.$g_sub:'').' - '.$tframe.'" class="rrdgraph"';
if (isset($gmeta['width']) && isset($gmeta['height'])) { $out .= ' style="width:'.$gmeta['width'].'px;height:'.$gmeta['height'].'px;"'; }
- $out .= '></a>';
+ $out .= '></a>'."\n";
else {
- $out .= sprintf(dgettext($td, 'RRD error: status is "%s"'), $s_rrd->status);
+ $out .= sprintf(dgettext($td, 'RRD error: status is "%s"'), $s_rrd->status)."\n";
else {
$out .= ' ';
- $out .= '</td>';
+ $out .= '</td>'."\n";
- $out .= '</tr>';
+ $out .= '</tr>'."\n";
- $out .= '</table>';
+ $out .= '</table>'."\n";
$out .= $this->h_page_footer();
- $out .= '</body></html>';
+ $out .= '</body></html>'."\n";
return $out;
$gtitle['year'] = isset($pconf['title_year'])?$pconf['title_year']:dgettext($td, 'Year overview (scaling 1 day)');
$ltitle = isset($pconf['title_legend'])?$pconf['title_legend']:dgettext($td, 'Legend:');
- $out = '<html><head>';
- $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>';
- $out .= '<style>';
+ $out = '<html><head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<title>'.$ptitle.'</title>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<style type="text/css">'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style_base'])) { $out .= $pconf['style_base']; }
else {
- $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }';
- $out .= 'h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; }';
- $out .= '.gdata, .gvar, .ginfo { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
- $out .= 'table.gdata, table.legend { border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; }';
- $out .= 'table.gdata td, table.gdata th, ';
- $out .= 'table.legend td, table.legend th { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 0.1em 0.2em; }';
- $out .= 'div.legend { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
- $out .= 'div.legend p { margin: 0; }';
- $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }';
+ $out .= 'h1 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.5em; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'h2 { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1em; }'."\n";
+ $out .= '.gdata, .gvar, .ginfo { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'table.gdata, table.legend { border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'table.gdata td, table.gdata th, '."\n";
+ $out .= 'table.legend td, table.legend th { border: 1px solid gray; padding: 0.1em 0.2em; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'div.legend { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= 'div.legend p { margin: 0; }'."\n";
+ $out .= '.footer { font-size: 0.75em; margin: 0.5em 0; }'."\n";
if (isset($pconf['style'])) { $out .= $pconf['style']; }
- $out .= '</style>';
- $out .= '</head>';
- $out .= '<body>';
+ $out .= '</style>'."\n";
+ $out .= '</head>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<body>'."\n";
- $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>';
- if (isset($pconf['text_intro']) && strlen($pconf['text_intro'])) { $out .= '<p class="intro">'.$pconf['text_intro'].'</p>'; }
+ $out .= '<h1>'.$ptitle.'</h1>'."\n";
+ if (isset($pconf['text_intro']) && strlen($pconf['text_intro'])) { $out .= '<p class="intro">'.$pconf['text_intro'].'</p>'."\n"; }
if (!isset($pconf['show_update']) || $pconf['show_update']) {
$out .= '<p class="last_up">';
if (is_null($this->last_update())) { $up_time = dgettext($td, 'unknown'); }
elseif (class_exists('baseutils')) { $up_time = baseutils::dateFormat($this->last_update(), 'short'); }
else { $up_time = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->last_update()); }
$out .= sprintf(dgettext($td, 'Last Update: %s'), $up_time);
- $out .= '</p>';
+ $out .= '</p>'."\n";
$g_sub = isset($pconf['graph_sub'])?$pconf['graph_sub']:null;
else {
$gURL = $gmeta['filename'];
- $out .= '<div class="'.$tframe.'">';
-// $out .= '<p>'.nl2br($ret).'</p>';
- $out .= '<h2>'.$gtitle[$tframe].'</h2>';
+ $out .= '<div class="'.$tframe.'">'."\n";
+ if (0) {
+ // debug output
+ ob_start();
+ print_r($gmeta);
+ $buffer = ob_get_contents();
+ ob_end_clean();
+ $out .= '<p>'.nl2br($buffer).'</p>';
+ }
+ $out .= '<h2>'.$gtitle[$tframe].'</h2>'."\n";
$out .= '<img src="'.$gURL.'"';
$out .= ' alt="'.$this->basename.(!is_null($g_sub)?' - '.$g_sub:'').' - '.$tframe.'" class="rrdgraph"';
if (isset($gmeta['width']) && isset($gmeta['height'])) { $out .= ' style="width:'.$gmeta['width'].'px;height:'.$gmeta['height'].'px;"'; }
- $out .= '>';
+ $out .= '>'."\n";
$colorize_data = (isset($pconf['data_colorize']) && $pconf['data_colorize']) || (!isset($pconf['data_colorize']) && $gmeta['default_colorize']);
if (isset($gmeta['data']) && count($gmeta['data'])) {
- $out .= '<table class="gdata">';
+ $out .= '<table class="gdata">'."\n";
foreach ($gmeta['data'] as $field=>$gdata) {
$out .= '<tr><th';
if ($colorize_data && isset($gmeta['legend'][$field])) {
foreach ($gdata as $gkey=>$gval) {
$out .= '<td><span class="gkey">'.$gkey.': </span>'.$gval.'</td>';
- $out .= '</tr>';
+ $out .= '</tr>'."\n";
- $out .= '</table>';
+ $out .= '</table>'."\n";
if (isset($gmeta['var']) && count($gmeta['var'])) {
foreach ($gmeta['var'] as $gkey=>$gval) {
- $out .= '<p class="gvar"><span class="gkey">'.$gkey.': </span>'.$gval.'</p>';
+ $out .= '<p class="gvar"><span class="gkey">'.$gkey.': </span>'.$gval.'</p>'."\n";
if (isset($gmeta['info']) && count($gmeta['info'])) {
foreach ($gmeta['info'] as $gval) {
- $out .= '<p class="ginfo">'.$gval.'</p>';
+ $out .= '<p class="ginfo">'.$gval.'</p>'."\n";
- $out .= '</div>';
+ $out .= '</div>'."\n";
if ($gmeta['legends_long'] && (!isset($pconf['show_legend']) || $pconf['show_legend'])) {
- $out .= '<div class="legend">';
- $out .= '<p>'.$ltitle.'</p>';
- $out .= '<table class="legend">';
+ $out .= '<div class="legend">'."\n";
+ $out .= '<p>'.$ltitle.'</p>'."\n";
+ $out .= '<table class="legend">'."\n";
foreach ($gmeta['legend'] as $field=>$legend) {
if (strlen($legend['desc_long'])) {
$out .= '<tr><th';
$out .= '>'.$field.'</th>';
$out .= '<td>'.$legend['desc_long'].'</td>';
- $out .= '</tr>';
+ $out .= '</tr>'."\n";
- $out .= '</table>';
- $out .= '</div>';
+ $out .= '</table>'."\n";
+ $out .= '</div>'."\n";
else {
- $out .= sprintf(dgettext($td, 'RRD error: status is "%s"'), $this->status);
+ $out .= sprintf(dgettext($td, 'RRD error: status is "%s"'), $this->status)."\n";
$out .= $this->h_page_footer();
- $out .= '</body></html>';
+ $out .= '</body></html>'."\n";
return $out;
$out .= sprintf(dgettext($this->mod_textdomain, 'Statistics created with %s using a library created by %s.'),
'<a href="http://people.ee.ethz.ch/~oetiker/webtools/rrdtool/">RRDtool</a>',
'<a href="http://www.kairo.at/">KaiRo.at</a>');
- $out .= '</p>';
+ $out .= '</p>'."\n";
return $out;