Current State
- SeaMonkey 1.0 statistics:
- download count: 60751 (3 weeks, Feb 02-23)
- that count doesn't include first 3 days, contributed/localized/GTK1 builds or direct FTP downloads
- official builds for Windows, Mac OS X and Linux (GTK2 as default, plus GTK1)
- available in US English and 13 localizations
- contributed binary builds for Linux/x86_64, OS/2 and Solaris/SPARC
- SeaMonkey 1.0 features (vs. Mozilla 1.7.x):
- tab drag and drop
- autoscroll support
- SVG and <canvas>
- global inbox
- multiple identities per account
- spell check as you type (MailNews)
- "Blazingly fast" back/forward
- website reporter tool
- force "new window" links into tabs
- E4X
- Gecko
- more: release notes
- Current development:
- pure maintenance on 1.8.0 branch, similar rules for SeaMonkey 1.0.x as
for Firefox 1.5.0.x (Gecko 1.8.0.x)
- targeting SeaMonkey 1.1 on 1.8 branch, keeping "old" backend unchanged
- transition to/towards "new toolkit" infrastructure on trunk