make it possible to centralize configuration on init, make graph options simpler
[php-utility-classes.git] / include / classes / rrdstat.php-class
... / ...
2// ************ RRD status class **************
3class rrdstat {
5 var $rrd_file = 'sample.rrd';
7 var $config_raw = null;
8 var $config_graph = null;
9 var $config_page = null;
11 var $rrd_fields = array();
12 var $rra_base = array();
13 var $rrd_step = 300;
14 var $rra_add_max = true;
16 var $status = 'unused';
18 function rrdstat($init_info = null) {
19 // ***** init RRD stat module *****
20 $this->set_def($init_info);
22 if (!is_writeable($this->rrd_file)) {
23 if (!file_exists($this->rrd_file)) {
24 if (touch($this->rrd_file)) { $this->create(); }
25 else { trigger_error('RRD file can not be created', E_USER_WARNING); }
26 }
27 else {
28 if (is_readable($this->rrd_file)) { $this->status = 'readonly'; }
29 else { trigger_error('RRD file is not readable', E_USER_WARNING); }
30 }
31 }
32 else {
33 $this->status = 'ok';
34 }
35 }
37 function set_def($init_info = null) {
38 if (is_array($init_info) && isset($init_info['file'])) {
39 // we have an array in the format we like to have
40 $iinfo =& $init_info;
41 }
42 else {
43 // we have something else (XML data?), try to generate the iinfo aray from it
44 $iinfo =& $init_info;
45 }
47 if (!isset($iinfo['file'])) { return false; }
49 $this->rrd_file = $iinfo['file'];
51 // fields (data sources, DS)
52 // name - DS name
53 // type - one of COUNTER, GAUGE, DERIVE, ABSOLUTE
54 // heartbeat - if no sample recieved for that time, store UNKNOWN
55 // min - U (unconstrained) or minimum value
56 // max - U (unconstrained) or maximum value
57 // update - this string will be fed into eval() for updating this field
58 if (isset($iinfo['fields']) && is_array($iinfo['fields'])) {
59 $this->rrd_fields = $iinfo['fields'];
60 }
61 else {
62 $this->rrd_fields[] = array('name' => 'ds0', 'type' => 'COUNTER', 'heartbeat' => 600, 'min' => 'U', 'max' => 'U');
63 $this->rrd_fields[] = array('name' => 'ds1', 'type' => 'COUNTER', 'heartbeat' => 600, 'min' => 'U', 'max' => 'U');
64 }
67 // MRTG-style RRD "database", see
68 //
69 // archives (RRAs):
70 // 600 samples of 5 minutes (2 days and 2 hours)
71 // 700 samples of 30 minutes (2 days and 2 hours, plus 12.5 days)
72 // 775 samples of 2 hours (above + 50 days)
73 // 797 samples of 1 day (above + 732 days, rounded up to 797)
75 $this->rrd_step = isset($iinfo['rrd_step'])?$iinfo['rrd_step']:300;
77 if (isset($iinfo['rra_base']) && is_array($iinfo['rra_base'])) {
78 $this->rra_base = $iinfo['rra_base'];
79 }
80 else {
81 $this->rra_base[] = array('step' => 1, 'rows' => 600);
82 $this->rra_base[] = array('step' => 6, 'rows' => 700);
83 $this->rra_base[] = array('step' => 24, 'rows' => 775);
84 $this->rra_base[] = array('step' => 288, 'rows' => 797);
85 }
87 $this->rra_add_max = isset($iinfo['rra_add_max'])?$iinfo['rra_add_max']:true;
89 if (isset($iinfo['graph'])) { $this->config_graph = $iinfo['graph']; }
90 if (isset($iinfo['page'])) { $this->config_page = $iinfo['page']; }
91 $this->config_raw = $iinfo;
92 }
94 function create() {
95 // create RRD file
97 // compose create command
98 $create_cmd = 'rrdtool create '.$this->rrd_file.' --step '.$this->rrd_step;
99 foreach ($this->rrd_fields as $ds) {
100 if (!isset($ds['type'])) { $ds['type'] = 'COUNTER'; }
101 if (!isset($ds['heartbeat'])) { $ds['heartbeat'] = 2*$this->rrd_step; }
102 if (!isset($ds['min'])) { $ds['min'] = 'U'; }
103 if (!isset($ds['max'])) { $ds['max'] = 'U'; }
104 $create_cmd .= ' DS:'.$ds['name'].':'.$ds['type'].':'.$ds['heartbeat'].':'.$ds['min'].':'.$ds['max'];
105 }
106 foreach ($this->rra_base as $rra) {
107 if (!isset($rra['cf'])) { $rra['cf'] = 'AVERAGE'; }
108 if (!isset($rra['xff'])) { $rra['xff'] = 0.5; }
109 if (!isset($rra['step'])) { $rra['step'] = 1; }
110 if (!isset($rra['rows'])) { $rra['rows'] = 600; }
111 $create_cmd .= ' RRA:'.$rra['cf'].':'.$rra['xff'].':'.$rra['step'].':'.$rra['rows'];
112 }
113 if ($this->rra_add_max) {
114 foreach ($this->rra_base as $rra) {
115 if (!isset($rra['cf'])) {
116 // only rows that have no CF set will be looked at here
117 $rra['cf'] = 'MAX';
118 if (!isset($rra['xff'])) { $rra['xff'] = 0.5; }
119 if (!isset($rra['step'])) { $rra['step'] = 1; }
120 if (!isset($rra['rows'])) { $rra['rows'] = 600; }
121 $create_cmd .= ' RRA:'.$rra['cf'].':'.$rra['xff'].':'.$rra['step'].':'.$rra['rows'];
122 }
123 }
124 }
125 $output = array(); $return_var = null;
126 exec($create_cmd, $output, $return_var);
127 if ($return_var) { trigger_error('rrd create returned with value '.$return_var, E_USER_WARNING); }
128 else { $this->status = 'ok'; }
129 }
131 function update($upArray = null) {
132 // feed new data into RRD
133 if ($this->status != 'ok') { trigger_error('Cannot update non-writeable file', E_USER_WARNING); return 1; }
134 $upvals = array();
135 foreach($this->rrd_fields as $ds) {
136 if (is_array($upArray) && isset($upArray[$ds['name']])) { $val = $upArray[$ds['name']]; }
137 elseif (isset($ds['update'])) { $val = eval($ds['update']); }
138 else { $val = null; }
139 $upvals[] = $val;
140 }
141 $update_cmd = 'rrdtool update '.$this->rrd_file.' N:'.implode(':', $upvals);
142 $output = array(); $return_var = null;
143 exec($update_cmd, $output, $return_var);
144 if ($return_var) { trigger_error('rrd update returned with value '.$return_var, E_USER_WARNING); }
145 return ($return_var == 0);
146 }
148 function fetch($cf = 'AVERAGE', $resolution = null, $start = null, $end = null) {
149 // fetch data from a RRD
150 if (!in_array($this->status, array('ok','readonly'))) { trigger_error('Error: rrd status is '.$this->status, E_USER_WARNING); return false; }
152 if (!in_array($cf, array('AVERAGE','MIN','MAX','LAST'))) { $cf = 'AVERAGE'; }
153 if (!is_numeric($resolution)) { $resolution = $this->rrd_step; }
154 if (!is_numeric($end)) { $end = $this->last_update(); }
155 elseif ($end < 0) { $end += $this->last_update(); }
156 $end = intval($end/$resolution)*$resolution;
157 if (!is_numeric($start)) { $start = $end; }
158 elseif ($start < 0) { $start += $end; }
159 $start = intval($start/$resolution)*$resolution;
161 $fetch_cmd = 'rrdtool fetch '.$this->rrd_file.' '.$cf.' --resolution '.$resolution.' --start '.$start.' --end '.$end;
162 $return = `$fetch_cmd 2>&1`;
164 if (strpos($return, 'ERROR') !== false) {
165 trigger_error('rrd fetch error: '.$return, E_USER_WARNING);
166 $fresult = false;
167 }
168 else {
169 $fresult = array();
170 $rows = explode("\n", $return);
171 $fields = preg_split('/\s+/', array_shift($rows));
172 if (array_shift($fields) == 'timestamp') {
173 $fresult[0] = $fields;
174 foreach ($rows as $row) {
175 if (strlen(trim($row))) {
176 $rvals = preg_split('/\s+/', $row);
177 $rtime = array_shift($rvals);
178 $rv_array = array();
179 foreach ($rvals as $key=>$rval) {
180 $rv_array[$fields[$key]] = ($rval=='nan')?null:floatval($rval);
181 }
182 $fresult[$rtime] = $rv_array;
183 }
184 }
185 }
186 }
187 return $fresult;
188 }
190 function graph($timeframe = 'day', $special = null, $extra = null) {
191 // create a RRD graph
192 static $gColors;
193 if (!isset($gColors)) {
194 $gColors = array('#00CC00','#0000FF','#000000','#FF0000','#00FF00','#FFFF00','#FF00FF','#00FFFF','#808080','#800000','#008000','#000080','#808000','#800080','#008080','#C0C0C0');
195 }
197 if (!in_array($this->status, array('ok','readonly'))) { trigger_error('Error: rrd status is '.$this->status, E_USER_WARNING); return false; }
199 // assemble configuration
200 $gconf = $this->config_graph;
201 if (!is_null($special) && is_array($this->config_raw['graph'][$special])) {
202 if (is_array($gconf)) { $gconf = array_merge($gconf, $this->config_raw['graph'][$special]); }
203 else { $gconf = $this->config_raw['graph'][$special]; }
204 }
205 if (is_array($extra)) {
206 if (is_array($gconf)) { $gconf = array_merge($gconf, $extra); }
207 else { $gconf = $extra; }
208 }
210 if (isset($gconf['format']) && ($gconf['format'] == 'SVG')) {
211 $format = $gconf['format']; $fmt_ext = '.svg';
212 }
213 elseif (isset($gconf['format']) && ($gconf['format'] == 'EPS')) {
214 $format = $gconf['format']; $fmt_ext = '.eps';
215 }
216 elseif (isset($gconf['format']) && ($gconf['format'] == 'PDF')) {
217 $format = $gconf['format']; $fmt_ext = '.pdf';
218 }
219 else {
220 $format = 'PNG'; $fmt_ext = '.png';
221 }
223 if (isset($gconf['filename'])) { $fname = $gconf['filename']; }
224 else { $fname = str_replace('.rrd', '-%t%f', $this->rrd_file); }
225 $fname = str_replace('%t', $timeframe, $fname);
226 $fname = str_replace('%f', $fmt_ext, $fname);
227 if (substr($fname, -strlen($fmt_ext)) != $fmt_ext) { $fname .= $fmt_ext; }
229 $graphrows = array(); $gC = 0;
230 $gDefs = ''; $gGraphs = ''; $addSpecial = '';
232 if ($timeframe == 'day') {
233 $duration = isset($gconf['duration'])?$gconf['duration']:30*3600; // 30 hours
234 $slice = isset($gconf['slice'])?$gconf['slice']:300; // 5 minutes
235 // vertical lines at day borders
236 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-d')).'#FF0000';
237 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' -1 day').'#FF0000';
238 if (!isset($gconf['grid_x'])) { $gconf['grid_x'] = 'HOUR:1:HOUR:6:HOUR:2:0:%-H'; }
239 }
240 elseif ($timeframe == 'week') {
241 $duration = isset($gconf['duration'])?$gconf['duration']:8*86400; // 8 days
242 $slice = isset($gconf['slice'])?$gconf['slice']:1800; // 30 minutes
243 // vertical lines at week borders
244 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' '.(-date('w')+1).' day').'#FF0000';
245 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-d').' '.(-date('w')-6).' day').'#FF0000';
246 }
247 elseif ($timeframe == 'month') {
248 $duration = isset($gconf['duration'])?$gconf['duration']:36*86400; // 36 days
249 $slice = isset($gconf['slice'])?$gconf['slice']:7200; // 2 hours
250 // vertical lines at month borders
251 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-01')).'#FF0000';
252 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-m-01').' -1 month').'#FF0000';
253 }
254 elseif ($timeframe == 'year') {
255 $duration = isset($gconf['duration'])?$gconf['duration']:396*86400; // 365+31 days
256 $slice = isset($gconf['slice'])?$gconf['slice']:86400; // 1 day
257 // vertical lines at month borders
258 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-01-01')).'#FF0000';
259 $addSpecial .= ' VRULE:'.strtotime(date('Y-01-01').' -1 year').'#FF0000';
260 }
261 else {
262 $duration = isset($gconf['duration'])?$gconf['duration']:$this->rrd_step*500; // 500 steps
263 $slice = isset($gconf['slice'])?$gconf['slice']:$this->rrd_step; // whatever our step is
264 }
266 if (isset($gconf['rows']) && count($gconf['rows'])) {
267 foreach ($gconf['rows'] as $erow) {
268 if (isset($erow['name']) && strlen($erow['name'])) {
269 if (!isset($erow['scale']) && isset($gconf['scale'])) { $erow['scale'] = $gconf['scale']; }
270 $grow = array();
271 $grow['dType'] = isset($erow['dType'])?$erow['dType']:'DEF';
272 $grow['name'] = $erow['name'].(isset($erow['scale'])?'_tmp':'');
273 $grow['dsname'] = isset($erow['dsname'])?$erow['dsname']:$erow['name'];
274 $grow['cf'] = isset($erow['cf'])?$erow['cf']:'AVERAGE';
275 if (isset($erow['rpn_expr'])) { $grow['rpn_expr'] = $erow['rpn_expr']; }
276 if (isset($erow['scale'])) {
277 $graphrows[] = $grow;
278 $grow = array();
279 $grow['dType'] = 'CDEF';
280 $grow['name'] = $erow['name'];
281 $grow['rpn_expr'] = $erow['name'].'_tmp,'.$erow['scale'].',*';
282 }
283 $grow['gType'] = isset($erow['gType'])?$erow['gType']:'LINE1';
284 $grow['color'] = isset($erow['color'])?$erow['color']:$gColors[$gC++];
285 if ($gC >= count($gColors)) { $gC = 0; }
286 if (isset($erow['legend'])) {
287 $grow['legend'] = $erow['legend'];
288 if (!isset($gconf['show_legend'])) { $gconf['show_legend'] = true; }
289 }
290 if (isset($erow['stack'])) { $grow['stack'] = ($erow['stack'] == true); }
291 $graphrows[] = $grow;
292 }
293 }
294 }
295 else {
296 foreach ($this->rrd_fields as $ds) {
297 $grow = array();
298 $grow['dType'] = 'DEF';
299 $grow['name'] = $ds['name'].(isset($gconf['scale'])?'_tmp':'');
300 $grow['dsname'] = $ds['name'];
301 $grow['cf'] = 'AVERAGE';
302 if (isset($gconf['scale'])) {
303 $graphrows[] = $grow;
304 $grow = array();
305 $grow['dType'] = 'CDEF';
306 $grow['name'] = $ds['name'];
307 $grow['rpn_expr'] = $ds['name'].'_tmp,'.$gconf['scale'].',*';
308 }
309 $grow['gType'] = ($ds['name']=='ds0')?'AREA':'LINE1';
310 $grow['color'] = $gColors[$gC++]; if ($gC >= count($gColors)) { $gC = 0; }
311 $graphrows[] = $grow;
312 }
313 }
315 $endtime = isset($gconf['time_end'])?$gconf['time_end']:(is_numeric($this->last_update())?$this->last_update():time());
316 $gOpts = ' --start '.($endtime-$duration).' --end '.$endtime.' --step '.$slice;
317 if (isset($gconf['label_top'])) { $gOpts .= ' --title '.$this->text_quote($gconf['label_top']); }
318 if (isset($gconf['label_y'])) { $gOpts .= ' --vertical-label '.$this->text_quote($gconf['label_y']); }
319 if (isset($gconf['width'])) { $gOpts .= ' --width '.$gconf['width']; }
320 if (isset($gconf['height'])) { $gOpts .= ' --height '.$gconf['height'];
321 if (($gconf['height'] <= 32) && isset($gconf['thumb']) && ($gconf['thumb'])) { $gOpts .= ' --only-graph'; }
322 }
323 if (!isset($gconf['show_legend']) || (!$gconf['show_legend'])) { $gOpts .= ' --no-legend'; }
324 if (isset($gconf['min_y'])) { $gOpts .= ' --lower-limit '.$gconf['min_y']; }
325 if (isset($gconf['max_y'])) { $gOpts .= ' --upper-limit '.$gconf['max_y']; }
326 if (isset($gconf['fix_scale_y']) && $gconf['fix_scale_y']) { $gOpts .= ' --rigid'; }
327 if (isset($gconf['grid_x'])) { $gOpts .= ' --x-grid '.$gconf['grid_x']; }
328 if (isset($gconf['grid_y'])) { $gOpts .= ' --y-grid '.$gconf['grid_y']; }
329 if (isset($gconf['units_exponent'])) { $gOpts .= ' --units-exponent '.$gconf['units_exponent']; }
330 if (isset($gconf['units_length'])) { $gOpts .= ' --units-length '.$gconf['units_length']; }
331 if (!isset($gconf['force_recreate']) || (!$gconf['force_recreate'])) { $gOpts .= ' --lazy'; }
332 if (isset($gconf['force_color']) && is_array($gconf['force_color'])) {
333 foreach ($gconf['force_color'] as $ctag=>$cval) { $gOpts .= ' --color '.$ctag.$cval; }
334 }
335 if (isset($gconf['force_font']) && is_array($gconf['force_font'])) {
336 foreach ($gconf['force_font'] as $ctag=>$cval) { $gOpts .= ' --font '.$ctag.$cval; }
337 }
338 if (isset($gconf['units_binary']) && $gconf['units_binary']) { $gOpts .= ' --base 1024'; }
340 foreach ($graphrows as $grow) {
341 if (isset($grow['dType']) && strlen($grow['dType'])) {
342 $gDefs .= ' '.$grow['dType'].':'.$grow['name'].'=';
343 $gDefs .= ($grow['dType']=='DEF')?$this->rrd_file.':'.$grow['dsname'].':'.$grow['cf']:$grow['rpn_expr'];
344 }
345 if (isset($grow['gType']) && strlen($grow['gType'])) {
346 // XXX: current rrdtools version doesn't support STACK flag, only STACK type
347 if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $grow['gType'] = 'STACK'; }
348 $gGraphs .= ' '.$grow['gType'].':'.$grow['name'].$grow['color'];
349 if (isset($grow['legend'])) { $gGraphs .= ':'.$this->text_quote($grow['legend']); }
350 // XXX: when STACK flag is supported, remove above STACK if-command and uncomment the one below
351 //if (isset($grow['stack']) && $grow['stack']) { $gGraphs .= ':STACK'; }
352 }
353 }
355 $graph_cmd = 'rrdtool graph '.str_replace('*', '\*', $fname.$gOpts.$gDefs.$gGraphs.$addSpecial);
356 $return = `$graph_cmd 2>&1`;
358 if (strpos($return, 'ERROR') !== false) {
359 trigger_error('rrd graph error: '.$return, E_USER_WARNING);
360 $return = $graph_cmd."\n\n".$return;
361 }
362 return $return;
363 }
365 function simple_html($page_extras = null, $graph_extras = null) {
366 // create a simple (MRTG-like) HTML page and return it in a string
367 $basename = str_replace('.rrd', '', $this->rrd_file);
369 // assemble configuration
370 $pconf = $this->config_page;
371 if (is_array($page_extras)) {
372 if (is_array($pconf)) { $pconf = array_merge($pconf, $page_extras); }
373 else { $pconf = $page_extras; }
374 }
376 $out = '<html><head><title>'.$basename.' - RRD statistics</title></head><body>';
378 $out .= '<p>Last Update: '.date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $this->last_update()).'</p>';
380 if (in_array($this->status, array('ok','readonly'))) {
381 foreach (array('day','week','month','year') as $tframe) {
382 $ret = $this->graph($tframe, null, $graph_extras);
383 $out .= '<p>'.nl2br($ret).'</p>';
384 $out .= '<p><img src="'.$basename.'-'.$tframe.'.png"></p>';
385 }
386 }
387 else {
388 $out .= 'RRD error: status is "'.$this->status.'"';
389 }
391 $ou .= '</body></html>';
392 return $out;
393 }
395 function last_update() {
396 // fetch time of last update in this RRD file
397 static $last_update;
398 if (!isset($last_update) && in_array($this->status, array('ok','readonly'))) {
399 $last_cmd = 'rrdtool last '.$this->rrd_file;
400 $return = trim(`$last_cmd 2>&1`);
401 $last_update = is_numeric($return)?$return:null;
402 }
403 return isset($last_update)?$last_update:null;
404 }
406 function text_quote($text) { return '"'.str_replace('"', '\"', str_replace(':', '\:', $text)).'"'; }