make sure that values like '0' are valid in select options
[php-utility-classes.git] / email.php-class
... / ...
2/* ***** BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK *****
3 *
4 * The contents of this file are subject to Austrian copyright reegulations
5 * ("Urheberrecht"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
6 * those laws.
7 * This contents and any derived work, if it gets distributed in any way,
8 * is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
9 * either express or implied.
10 *
11 * The Original Code is KaiRo's E-Mail module.
12 *
13 * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
14 * KaiRo - Robert Kaiser.
15 * Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2003-2004
16 * the Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
17 *
18 * Contributor(s): Robert Kaiser <>
19 *
20 * ***** END LICENSE BLOCK ***** */
22class email {
23 // email PHP class
24 // class/object for creating a new mail and send it
25 //
26 // function email()
28 //
29 // var $debug_toSingleAddress
30 // address to send mail to in debug mode
31 //
32 // var $subject
33 // the mail's subject line
34 //
35 // var $sender
36 // the mail's sender (array; fields see recipients)
37 //
38 // var $replyto
39 // Reply-to address (array; fields see recipients)
40 //
41 // var $recipients
42 // array of recipients (To: line)
43 // fields: name - real name
44 // mail - email address
45 //
46 // var $cc
47 // array of CC recipients (fields like recipients)
48 //
49 // var $bcc
50 // array of BCC recipients (fields like recipients)
51 //
52 // var $headers
53 // array containing all additional headers
54 // fields: name - headers name
55 // content - header content
56 //
57 // var $content_type
58 // the mail's content type (MIME-type) [default: text/plain]
59 //
60 // var $charset
61 // the mail's charset [default: iso-8859-15]
62 //
63 // var $mailtext
64 // the main mail body
65 //
66 // var $attachments
67 // array containing all attachments
68 // fields: name - attachment name
69 // content - attachment content
70 // type - MIME type of that attachment
71 //
72 // function setDebugAddress($debug_email)
73 // debug mode: send only to this address
74 //
75 // function setSubject($newsubject)
76 // set subject of mail
77 //
78 // function setSender($email, [$name])
79 // set sender of mail
80 //
81 // function setReplyTo($email, [$name])
82 // set reply-to address
83 //
84 // function addRecipient($email, [$name])
85 // add a recipient to the mail
86 //
87 // function addCC($email, [$name])
88 // add a CC recipient to the mail
89 //
90 // function addBCC($email, [$name])
91 // add a BCC recipient to the mail
92 //
93 // function addHeader($hname, [$hcontent])
94 // add a header to the mail
95 //
96 // function addMailText($textpart)
97 // add some text to the mail
98 //
99 // function addAttachment($aname, $acontent, [$atype])
100 // add an attachment to the mail, use given file name, content and MIME type (defaults to application/octet-stream)
101 //
102 // function send()
103 // really send the mail
104 //
105 // function mimeencode($fieldtext)
106 // helper function:
107 // encode given field text, ready to be placed into an e-mail MIME header
109 var $debug_toSingleAddress = "";
110 var $subject;
111 var $sender = array();
112 var $replyto = array();
113 var $recipients = array();
114 var $cc = array();
115 var $bcc = array();
116 var $headers = array();
117 var $content_type = "text/plain";
118 var $charset = "iso-8859-15";
119 var $mailtext = "";
120 var $attachments = array();
122 function email() {
123 // *** constructor ***
124 }
126 function setDebugAddress($debug_email) { $this->debug_toSingleAddress = $debug_email; }
128 function setSubject($newsubject) { $this->subject = $newsubject; }
130 function setSender($email, $name = "") { $this->sender = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); }
132 function setReplyTo($email, $name = "") { $this->replyto = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name); }
134 function addRecipient($email, $name = "") {
135 $this->recipients[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name);
136 }
138 function addCC($email, $name = "") {
139 $this->cc[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name);
140 }
142 function addBCC($email, $name = "") {
143 $this->bcc[] = array("mail" => $email, "name" => $name);
144 }
146 function addHeader($hname, $hcontent = "") {
147 $this->headers[] = array("name" => $hname, "content" => $hcontent);
148 }
150 function addMailText($textpart) { $this->mailtext .= $textpart; }
152 function addAttachment($aname, $acontent, $atype = "application/octet-stream") {
153 $this->attachments[] = array("name" => $aname, "content" => $acontent, "type" => $atype);
154 }
156 function send() {
157 global $util;
158 $mtxt = "";
159 $hdrs = "MIME-Version: 1.0\n";
160 $subj = $this->mimeencode($this->subject);
161 if (strlen($this->sender["name"])) {
162 $hdrs .= "From: ".$this->mimeencode($this->sender["name"])." <".$this->sender["mail"].">\n";
163 }
164 else { $hdrs .= "From: ".$this->sender["mail"]."\n"; }
165 if (count($this->replyto)) {
166 if (strlen($this->replyto["name"])) {
167 $hdrs .= "Reply-to: ".$this->mimeencode($this->replyto["name"])." <".$this->replyto["mail"].">\n";
168 }
169 else { $hdrs .= "Reply-to: ".$this->replyto["mail"]."\n"; }
170 }
171 if (count($this->recipients)) {
172 $recpt = "";
173 foreach ($this->recipients as $address) {
174 if (strlen($address["name"])) { $recpt .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; }
175 else { $recpt .= $address["mail"].","; }
176 }
177 $recpt = ereg_replace(",$", "", $recpt);
178 }
179 if (count($this->cc)) {
180 $adrs = "";
181 foreach ($this->cc as $address) {
182 if (strlen($address["name"])) { $adrs .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; }
183 else { $adrs .= $address["mail"].","; }
184 }
185 $adrs = ereg_replace(",$", "", $adrs);
186 $hdrs .= (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)?"X-Real-":"")."Cc: $adrs\n";
187 }
188 if (count($this->bcc)) {
189 $adrs = "";
190 foreach ($this->bcc as $address) {
191 if (strlen($address["name"])) { $adrs .= $this->mimeencode($address["name"])." <".$address["mail"].">,"; }
192 else { $adrs .= $address["mail"].","; }
193 }
194 $adrs = ereg_replace(",$", "", $adrs);
195 $hdrs .= (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)?"X-Real-":"")."Bcc: $adrs\n";
196 }
197 if (count($this->headers)) {
198 foreach ($this->headers as $header) {
199 $hdrs .= $header["name"].": ".$header["content"]."\n";
200 }
201 }
202 if (count($this->attachments)) {
203 // create random boundary, 20 chars, always beginning with KaiRo ;-)
204 $boundary = 'KaiRo';
205 for ($i=1; $i<=15; $i++) {
206 $r=rand(0,61);
207 if ($r<10) { $boundary .= chr($r+48); }
208 elseif ($r<36) { $boundary .= chr($r+55); }
209 elseif ($r<62) { $boundary .= chr($r+61); }
210 }
211 $hdrs .= "Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary=\"$boundary\";\n";
212 $hdrs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n";
213 $mtxt .= "This part of the E-mail should never be seen. If\n";
214 $mtxt .= "you are reading this, consider upgrading your e-mail\n";
215 $mtxt .= "client to a MIME-compatible client.\n";
216 $mtxt .= "\n--$boundary\n";
217 if (ereg("text/.*", $this->content_type)) {
218 $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."; charset=\"".$this->charset."\"\n";
219 }
220 else {
221 $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."\n";
222 }
223 $mtxt .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n\n";
224 }
225 else {
226 if (ereg("text/.*", $this->content_type)) {
227 $hdrs .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."; charset=\"".$this->charset."\"\n";
228 }
229 else {
230 $hdrs .= "Content-Type: ".$this->content_type."\n";
231 }
232 $hdrs .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n";
233 }
234 $mtxt .= stripslashes($this->mailtext);
235 if (count($this->attachments)) {
236 foreach ($this->attachments as $attach) {
237 $mtxt .= "\n--$boundary\n";
238 $mtxt .= "Content-Type: ".$attach["type"]."; name=\"".$attach["name"]."\";\n";
239 $mtxt .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64\n";
240 $mtxt .= "Content-Disposition: attachment\n\n";
241 $mtxt .= rtrim(chunk_split(base64_encode($attach["content"]), 76)); ;
242 $mtxt .= "\n";
243 }
244 $mtext .= "--$boundary--\n";
245 }
247 if (strlen($this->debug_toSingleAddress)) {
248 $hdrs .= "X-Real-To: $recpt\n";
249 $recpt = $this->debug_toSingleAddress;
250 }
252 //print("Subject: ".$util->htmlify($subj)."<br>\n");
253 //print("To: ".$util->htmlify($recpt)."<br>\n");
254 //print(nl2br($util->htmlify($hdrs)));
255 //print(nl2br($util->htmlify($mtxt)));
256 return mail($recpt, $subj, $mtxt, $hdrs);
257 }
259 function mimeencode($fieldtext) {
260 $mText = imap_8bit($fieldtext);
261 if ($mText != $fieldtext) {
262 $trans = array("_" => "=5F", " " => "_", "?" => "=3F");
263 $mText = strtr($mText, $trans);
264 $mText = "=?ISO-8859-15?Q?".$mText."?=";
265 }
266 return $mText;
267 }