add UnsafeAllow3F flag so auth keeps on working after Apache security fixes
[authserver.git] / app / authorize.php
... / ...
2/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
3 * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file,
4 * You can obtain one at */
6// Called e.g. as /authorize?response_type=code&client_id=testclient&state=f00bar&scope=email&
7// This either redirects to the redirect URL with errors or success added as GET parameters,
8// or sends a HTML page asking for login / permission to scope (email is always granted in this system but not always for OAuth2 generically)
9// or sends errors as a JSON document (hopefully shouldn't but seen that in testing).
11// Include the common auth system files (including the OAuth2 Server object).
14$errors = $utils->checkForSecureConnection();
17// Initialize the HTML document with our basic elements.
18extract($utils->initHTMLDocument(sprintf(_('Authorization Request | %s'), $utils->settings['operator_name']),
19 sprintf(_('%s Authentication Server'), $utils->settings['operator_name']))); // sets $document, $html, $head, $title, $body
21if (!count($errors)) {
22 $session = $utils->initSession(); // Read session or create new session and set cookie.
23 if ($session['logged_in'] && (@$_GET['logout'] == 1)) {
24 $result = $db->prepare('UPDATE `auth_sessions` SET `logged_in` = FALSE WHERE `id` = :sessid;');
25 if (!$result->execute(array(':sessid' => $session['id']))) {
26 $utils->log('logout_failure', 'session: '.$session['id']);
27 $errors[] = _('Unexpected error while logging out.');
28 }
29 $session['logged_in'] = 0;
30 }
31 if (intval($session['user'])) {
32 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`,`email`,`verify_hash`,`group_id` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `id` = :userid;');
33 $result->execute(array(':userid' => $session['user']));
34 $user = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
35 if (!$user['id']) {
36 $utils->log('user_read_failure', 'user: '.$session['user']);
37 }
38 }
39 else {
40 $user = array('id' => 0, 'email' => '');
41 }
42 if (is_null($session)) {
43 $errors[] = _('The session system is not working.').' '
44 .sprintf(_('Please <a href="%s">contact %s</a> and tell the team about this.'), $utils->settings['operator_contact_url'], $utils->settings['operator_name']);
45 }
46 elseif ($session['logged_in']) {
47 // We are logged in, process authorization request.
48 $request = OAuth2\Request::createFromGlobals();
49 $response = new OAuth2\Response();
51 // Validate the authorize request.
52 if (!$server->validateAuthorizeRequest($request, $response)) {
53 $response->send();
54 exit();
55 }
57 $is_authorized = !array_key_exists('authorized', $_POST) ? null : (@$_POST['authorized'] === 'yes');
59 if (is_null($is_authorized) && (@$request->query['scope'] != 'email')) {
60 // Display an authorization form (unless the scope is email, which we handle as a login request below).
61 $para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('Hi %s!'), $user['email']));
62 $para->setAttribute('class', 'userwelcome');
64 $form = $body->appendForm('', 'POST', 'authform');
65 $form->setAttribute('id', 'authform');
66 $domain_name = parse_url($request->query['redirect_uri'], PHP_URL_HOST);
67 if (!strlen($domain_name)) { $domain_name = $request->query['client_id']; }
68 $form->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('Do you authorize %s to access %s?'), $domain_name, $request->query['scope']));
69 $authinput = $form->appendInputHidden('authorized', 'yes');
70 $authinput->setAttribute('id', 'isauthorized');
71 $submit = $form->appendInputSubmit(_('Yes'));
72 $form->appendText(' ');
73 $button = $form->appendButton(_('No'));
74 $button->setAttribute('id', 'cancelauth');
75 }
76 elseif (@$request->query['scope'] == 'email') {
77 // Display an interstitial page for a login when we have email scope (verified email for logging in).
78 $domain_name = parse_url($request->query['redirect_uri'], PHP_URL_HOST);
79 if (!strlen($domain_name)) { $domain_name = $request->query['client_id']; }
80 // If the referrer is from the auth system and we have a different domain to redirect to,
81 // we can safely assume we just logged in with that email and skip the interstitial page.
82 $refer_domain = parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_HOST);
83 if (is_null($is_authorized) && ($refer_domain == $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && ($refer_domain != $domain_name) &&
84 (dirname($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) == dirname(parse_url($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], PHP_URL_PATH)))) {
85 $is_authorized = true;
86 }
87 if (is_null($is_authorized)) {
88 $para = $body->appendElement('p', sprintf(_('Sign in to %s using…'), $domain_name));
89 $para->setAttribute('class', 'signinwelcome');
90 $form = $body->appendForm('', 'POST', 'authform');
91 $form->setAttribute('id', 'authform');
92 $form->setAttribute('class', 'loginarea');
93 $ulist = $form->appendElement('ul');
94 $ulist->setAttribute('class', 'flat emaillist');
95 $emails = $utils->getGroupedEmails($user['group_id']);
96 if (!count($emails)) { $emails = array($user['email']); }
97 foreach ($emails as $email) {
98 $litem = $ulist->appendElement('li');
99 $litem->appendInputRadio('user_email', 'uemail_'.md5($email), $email, $email == $user['email']);
100 $litem->appendLabel('uemail_'.md5($email), $email);
101 }
102 $para = $form->appendElement('p');
103 $para->setAttribute('class', 'small otheremaillinks');
104 $link = $para->appendLink('#', _('Add another email address'));
105 $link->setAttribute('id', 'addanotheremail'); // Makes the JS put the right functionality onto the link.
106 $para->appendText(' ');
107 $link = $para->appendLink('#', _('This is not me'));
108 $link->setAttribute('id', 'isnotme'); // Makes the JS put the right functionality onto the link.
109 $authinput = $form->appendInputHidden('authorized', 'yes');
110 $authinput->setAttribute('id', 'isauthorized');
111 $submit = $form->appendInputSubmit(_('Sign in'));
112 $para = $form->appendElement('p');
113 $para->setAttribute('class', 'small');
114 $link = $para->appendLink('#', _('Cancel'));
115 $link->setAttribute('id', 'cancelauth'); // Makes the JS put the right functionality onto the link.
116 $utils->setRedirect($session, $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']);
117 }
118 }
119 if (!is_null($is_authorized)) {
120 // Switch to different user if we selected a different email within the group.
121 if (strlen(@$_POST['user_email']) && ($_POST['user_email'] != $user['email'])) {
122 $result = $db->prepare('SELECT `id`, `pwdhash`, `email`, `status`, `verify_hash`,`group_id` FROM `auth_users` WHERE `group_id` = :groupid AND `email` = :email;');
123 $result->execute(array(':groupid' => $user['group_id'], ':email' => $_POST['user_email']));
124 $newuser = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
125 if ($newuser) {
126 $user = $newuser;
127 $session = $utils->getLoginSession($user['id'], $session);
128 }
129 }
130 if ($settings['piwik_enabled']) {
131 // If we do not send out an HTML file, we need to do the Piwik tracking ourselves.
132 require_once($settings['piwik_tracker_path'].'PiwikTracker.php');
133 PiwikTracker::$URL = ((strpos($settings['piwik_url'], '://') === false) ? 'http://localhost' : '' ).$settings['piwik_url'];
134 $piwikTracker = new PiwikTracker($idSite = $settings['piwik_site_id']);
135 $piwikTracker->doTrackPageView('Handle Authorize Request');
136 }
137 // Handle authorize request, forwarding code in GET parameters if the user has authorized your client.
138 $server->handleAuthorizeRequest($request, $response, $is_authorized, $user['id']);
139 /* For testing only
140 if ($is_authorized) {
141 // this is only here so that you get to see your code in the cURL request. Otherwise, we'd redirect back to the client
142 $code = substr($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), strpos($response->getHttpHeader('Location'), 'code=')+5, 40);
143 exit("SUCCESS! Authorization Code: $code");
144 }
145 */
146 $utils->resetRedirect($session);
147 $response->send();
148 exit();
149 }
150 }
151 else {
152 // Display login/register form.
153 $para = $body->appendElement('p', _('You need to log in or register to continue.'));
154 $para->setAttribute('class', 'logininfo');
155 $utils->appendLoginForm($body, $session, $user);
156 $utils->setRedirect($session, str_replace('&logout=1', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])); // Make sure to strip a logout to not get into a loop.
157 }
160if (count($errors)) {
161 $body->appendElement('p', ((count($errors) <= 1)
162 ?_('The following error was detected')
163 :_('The following errors were detected')).':');
164 $list = $body->appendElement('ul');
165 $list->setAttribute('class', 'flat warn');
166 foreach ($errors as $msg) {
167 $item = $list->appendElement('li', $msg);
168 }
169 $body->appendButton(_('Back'), 'history.back();');
172// Send HTML to client.