and again some small modifications, nothing big...
[themes.git] / LCARStrek / messenger / skin / mailWidgets.xml
1d798428 1<?xml version="1.0"?>\r
3<bindings id="mailBindings"\r
4 xmlns=""\r
5 xmlns:xul="">\r
6 \r
7 <!-- Message Pane Widgets -->\r
8 <binding id="mail-emailaddress" extends="chrome://global/content/xulBindings.xml#basetext">\r
9 <content excludes="observes,template">\r
10 <xul:box inherits="orient" autostretch="never" flex="1">\r
11 <xul:box orient="vertical" autostretch="never" flex="1">\r
12 <xul:text class="emailDisplayButton" context="emailAddressPopup" inherits="value,accesskey,crop"/>\r
13 </xul:box>\r
14 <xul:image class="emailDisplayImage" inherits="src"/>\r
15 </xul:box>\r
16 </content>\r
17 \r
18 <interface> \r
19 <method name="setTextAttribute">\r
20 <argument name="attributeName"/>\r
21 <argument name="attributeValue"/>\r
22 <body>\r
23 <![CDATA[ \r
24 var textNode = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].firstChild.firstChild;\r
25 textNode.setAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);\r
26 ]]>\r
27 </body>\r
28 </method>\r
30 <method name="getTextAttribute">\r
31 <argument name="attributeName"/>\r
32 <argument name="attributeValue"/>\r
33 <body>\r
34 <![CDATA[ \r
35 var textNode = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].firstChild.firstChild;\r
36 return textNode.getAttribute(attributeName, attributeValue);\r
37 ]]>\r
38 </body>\r
39 </method>\r
40 </interface>\r
41 </binding>\r
43 <binding id="search-menulist-abstract" extends="xul:box">\r
44 <content>\r
45 <xul:menulist inherits="flex" oncommand="this.parentNode.onSelect(event)">\r
46 <xul:menupopup/>\r
47 </xul:menulist>\r
48 </content>\r
50 <interface>\r
51 <property readonly="true" name="validityManager">\r
52 <![CDATA[\r
53 Components.classes[''].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIMsgSearchValidityManager);\r
54 ]]>\r
55 </property>\r
56 <property name="searchScope" onget="return this.internalScope;">\r
57 <!-- scope ID - retrieve the table -->\r
58 <setter>\r
59 <![CDATA[\r
60 // if scope isn't changing this is a noop\r
61 if (this.internalScope == val) return;\r
63 this.internalScope = val;\r
64 this.refreshList();\r
65 var targets = this.targets;\r
66 if (targets) {\r
67 for (var i=0; i< targets.length; i++) {\r
68 targets[i].searchScope = val;\r
69 }\r
70 }\r
71 ]]>\r
72 </setter>\r
73 </property>\r
75 <property name="validityTable" readonly="true" onget="return this.validityManager.getTable(this.searchScope)"/>\r
77 <property name="valueStrings" readonly="true">\r
78 <getter>\r
79 <![CDATA[\r
80 var strings = new Array;\r
81 var ids = this.valueIds;\r
82 var bundle = this.stringBundle;\r
83 for (var i=0; i<ids.length; i++)\r
84 strings[i] = this.stringBundle.GetStringFromID(ids[i]);\r
85 return strings;\r
86 ]]>\r
87 </getter>\r
88 </property>\r
89 <property name="targets" readonly="true">\r
90 <getter>\r
91 <![CDATA[\r
92 var forAttrs = this.getAttribute("for");\r
93 if (!forAttrs) return null;\r
94 var targetIds = forAttrs.split(",");\r
95 if (targetIds.length == 0) return null;\r
97 var targets = new Array;\r
98 var j=0;\r
99 for (var i=0; i<targetIds.length;i++) {\r
100 var target = document.getElementById(targetIds[i]);\r
101 if (target) targets[j++] = target;\r
102 }\r
103 return targets;\r
104 ]]>\r
105 </getter>\r
106 </property>\r
108 <!-- value forwards to the internal menulist's "data" attribute -->\r
109 <property name="value" onget="return document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].selectedItem.getAttribute('data');">\r
110 <setter>\r
111 <![CDATA[\r
112 var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];\r
113 var dataItems = menulist.getElementsByAttribute("data", val);\r
114 if (dataItems.length > 0)\r
115 menulist.selectedItem = dataItems[0];\r
116 ]]>\r
117 </setter>\r
118 </property>\r
119 <method name="refreshList">\r
120 <body>\r
121 <![CDATA[\r
122 var menuItemIds = this.valueIds;\r
123 var menuItemStrings = this.valueStrings;\r
125 var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];\r
126 var popup = menulist.firstChild;\r
128 // save our old "data" so we can restore it later\r
129 var oldData =;\r
131 // remove the old popup children\r
132 while (popup.hasChildNodes())\r
133 popup.removeChild(popup.lastChild);\r
135 var newSelection;\r
136 for (var i=0; i<menuItemIds.length; i++) {\r
137 // create the menuitem\r
138 var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem");\r
139 menuitem.setAttribute("value", menuItemStrings[i]);\r
140 menuitem.setAttribute("data", menuItemIds[i]);\r
141 popup.appendChild(menuitem);\r
143 // try to restore the selection\r
144 if (!newSelection || oldData == menuItemIds[i].toString()) {\r
145 newSelection = menuitem;\r
146 }\r
147 }\r
149 // now restore the selection\r
150 menulist.selectedItem = newSelection\r
151 ]]>\r
152 </body>\r
153 </method>\r
154 <method name="onSelect">\r
155 <argument name="event"/>\r
156 <body>\r
157 <![CDATA[\r
158 var menulist = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0];\r
160 // notify targets\r
161 var targets = this.targets;\r
162 if (targets) {\r
163 for (var i=0; i< targets.length; i++) {\r
164 targets[i].parentValue =;\r
165 }\r
166 }\r
167 ]]>\r
168 </body>\r
169 </method>\r
170 </interface>\r
171 </binding>\r
173 <!-- searchattribute - Subject, Sender, To, CC, etc. -->\r
174 <binding id="searchattribute"\r
175 extends="chrome://messenger/skin/mailWidgets.xml#search-menulist-abstract">\r
176 <interface>\r
177 <property name="stringBundle">\r
178 <![CDATA[\r
179 srGetStrBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/");\r
180 ]]>\r
181 </property>\r
182 <property name="valueIds" readonly="true">\r
183 <getter>\r
184 <![CDATA[\r
185 var length = new Object;\r
186 return this.validityTable.getAvailableAttributes(length);\r
187 ]]>\r
188 </getter>\r
189 </property>\r
190 </interface>\r
191 </binding>\r
193 <!-- searchoperator - Contains, Is Less than, etc -->\r
194 <binding id="searchoperator"\r
195 extends="chrome://messenger/skin/mailWidgets.xml#search-menulist-abstract">\r
196 <interface>\r
197 <property name="stringBundle">\r
198 <![CDATA[\r
199 srGetStrBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/");\r
200 ]]>\r
201 </property>\r
202 <property name="valueIds" readonly="true">\r
203 <getter>\r
204 <![CDATA[\r
205 var length = new Object;\r
206 return this.validityTable.getAvailableOperators(this.searchAttribute,length);\r
207 ]]>\r
208 </getter>\r
209 </property>\r
210 <property name="parentValue">\r
211 <setter>\r
212 <![CDATA[\r
213 if (this.searchAttribute == val) return;\r
214 this.searchAttribute = val;\r
215 this.refreshList();\r
216 ]]>\r
217 </setter>\r
218 <getter>\r
219 <![CDATA[\r
220 return this.searchAttribute;\r
221 ]]>\r
222 </getter>\r
223 </property>\r
224 </interface>\r
225 </binding>\r
227 <!-- searchvalue - a widget which dynamically changes it's user interface\r
228 depending on what type of data it's supposed to be showing\r
229 currently handles arbitrary text entry, and menulists for priority and\r
230 status\r
231 -->\r
232 <binding id="searchvalue" extends="xul:deck">\r
233 <!-- yeah yeah, this stuff needs to be localized. I'm working on it! -->\r
234 <content>\r
235 <xul:textfield flex="1" />\r
236 <xul:menulist flex="1" >\r
237 <xul:menupopup>\r
238 <xul:menuitem value="Lowest"/>\r
239 <xul:menuitem value="Low"/>\r
240 <xul:menuitem value="Normal"/>\r
241 <xul:menuitem value="High"/>\r
242 <xul:menuitem value="Highest"/>\r
243 </xul:menupopup>\r
244 </xul:menulist>\r
245 <xul:menulist flex="1" >\r
246 <xul:menupopup>\r
247 <xul:menuitem value="read"/>\r
248 <xul:menuitem value="replied"/>\r
249 </xul:menupopup>\r
250 </xul:menulist>\r
251 </content>\r
252 <interface>\r
253 <!-- parentValue forwards to the attribute -->\r
254 <property name="parentValue" onset="this.searchAttribute=val;"\r
255 onget="return this.searchAttribute;"/>\r
256 <property name="searchAttribute" onget="return this.internalAttribute;">\r
257 <setter>\r
258 <![CDATA[\r
259 // noop if we're not changing it\r
260 if (this.internalAttribute == val) return;\r
261 this.internalAttribute = val;\r
262 // we inherit from a deck, so just use it's index attribute\r
263 // to hide/show widgets\r
264 if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority)\r
265 this.setAttribute("index", "1");\r
266 else if (val == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus)\r
267 this.setAttribute("index", "2");\r
268 else\r
269 this.setAttribute("index", "0");\r
270 ]]>\r
271 </setter>\r
272 </property>\r
273 <property name="value" onget="return this.internalValue;">\r
274 <setter>\r
275 <![CDATA[\r
276 // val is a nsIMsgSearchValue object\r
277 this.internalValue = val;\r
278 var attrib = val.attrib;\r
279 this.searchAttribute = attrib;\r
280 if (attrib == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority)\r
281 document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[1].data=val.priority;\r
282 else if (attrib == Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus)\r
283 document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[2].data=val.status;\r
284 else\r
285 document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].value = val.str;\r
286 ]]>\r
287 </setter>\r
288 </property>\r
289 <method name="save">\r
290 <body>\r
291 <![CDATA[\r
292 var searchValue = this.value;\r
293 var searchAttribute = this.searchAttribute;\r
294 var nsMsgSearchAttrib = Components.interfaces.nsMsgSearchAttrib;\r
296 searchValue.attrib = searchAttribute;\r
297 if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.Priority)\r
298 searchValue.priority = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[1];\r
299 else if (searchAttribute == nsMsgSearchAttrib.MsgStatus)\r
300 searchValue.status = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[2];\r
301 else\r
302 searchValue.str = document.getAnonymousNodes(this)[0].value;\r
303 ]]>\r
304 </body>\r
305 </method>\r
306 <method name="saveTo">\r
307 <argument name="searchValue"/>\r
308 <body>\r
309 <![CDATA[\r
310 this.internalValue = searchValue;\r
312 ]]>\r
313 </body>\r
314 </method>\r
315 </interface>\r
316 </binding>\r
317 <binding id="searchterm" extends="xul:box">\r
318 <interface>\r
319 <!-- the actual nsIMsgSearchTerm object -->\r
320 <property name="searchTerm" onget="return this.internalSearchTerm">\r
321 <setter>\r
322 <![CDATA[\r
323 this.internalSearchTerm = val;\r
325 var term = val;\r
326 // val is a nsIMsgSearchTerm\r
327 var searchAttribute=this.searchattribute;\r
328 var searchOperator=this.searchoperator;\r
329 var searchValue=this.searchvalue;\r
331 // now reflect all attributes of the searchterm into the widgets\r
332 if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.value = term.attrib;\r
333 if (searchOperator) searchOperator.value = val.op;\r
334 if (searchValue) searchValue.value = term.value;\r
336 this.booleanAnd = val.booleanAnd;\r
337 ]]>\r
338 </setter>\r
339 </property>\r
340 \r
341 <property name="searchScope">\r
342 <getter>\r
343 <![CDATA[\r
344 var searchAttribute = this.searchattribute;\r
345 if (searchAttribute)\r
346 return searchAttribute.searchScope;\r
347 return undefined;\r
348 ]]>\r
349 </getter>\r
350 <setter>\r
351 <![CDATA[\r
352 var searchAttribute = this.searchattribute;\r
353 if (searchAttribute) searchAttribute.searchScope=val;\r
354 ]]>\r
355 </setter>\r
356 </property>\r
357 <!-- the three tags that make up a term - to use, set the\r
358 attribute in the XUL to the ID of the term.\r
359 -->\r
360 <property name="searchattribute" \r
361 onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchattribute'));"\r
362 onset="this.setAttribute('searchattribute',"/>\r
364 <property name="searchoperator" \r
365 onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchoperator'));"\r
366 onset="this.setAttribute('searchoperator',"/>\r
368 <property name="searchvalue" \r
369 onget="return document.getElementById(this.getAttribute('searchvalue'));"\r
370 onset="this.setAttribute('searchvalue',"/>\r
371 <property name="booleanNodes">\r
372 <![CDATA[\r
373 null;\r
374 ]]>\r
375 </property>\r
376 <property name="stringBundle">\r
377 <![CDATA[\r
378 srGetStrBundle("chrome://messenger/locale/");\r
379 ]]>\r
380 </property>\r
381 <property name="booleanAnd" onget="return this.internalBooleanAnd">\r
382 <setter>\r
383 <![CDATA[\r
384 // whenever you set this, all nodes in booleanNodes\r
385 // are updated to reflect the string\r
387 if (this.internalBooleanAnd == val) return;\r
388 this.internalBooleanAnd = val;\r
390 var booleanNodes = this.booleanNodes;\r
391 if (!booleanNodes) return;\r
393 var stringBundle = this.stringBundle;\r
394 var andString = val ? "And" : "Or";\r
395 for (var i=0; i<booleanNodes.length; i++) {\r
396 try { \r
397 var staticString =\r
398 stringBundle.GetStringFromName("search" + andString + i);\r
399 if (staticString && staticString.length>0)\r
400 booleanNodes[i].setAttribute("value", staticString);\r
401 } catch (ex) { /* no error, means string not found */}\r
402 }\r
403 ]]>\r
404 </setter>\r
405 </property>\r
406 <method name="save">\r
407 <body>\r
408 <![CDATA[\r
409 var searchTerm = this.searchTerm;\r
410 searchTerm.attrib = this.searchattribute.value;\r
411 searchTerm.op = this.searchoperator.value;\r
412 if (this.searchvalue.value)\r
414 else\r
415 this.searchvalue.saveTo(searchTerm.value);\r
416 searchTerm.value = this.searchvalue.value;\r
417 searchTerm.booleanAnd = this.booleanAnd;\r
418 ]]>\r
419 </body>\r
420 </method>\r
421 <!-- if you have a search term element with no search term -->\r
422 <method name="saveTo">\r
423 <argument name="searchTerm"/>\r
424 <body>\r
425 <![CDATA[\r
426 this.internalSearchTerm = searchTerm;\r
428 ]]>\r
429 </body>\r
430 </method>\r
431 </interface>\r
432 </binding>\r